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Slovak Republic

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ESG issues
SASB Sustainability Sector
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3 results
SHOW: 16

Key performance indicators of responsible corporate tax conduct – and their green and red flags

Fair Tax Foundation
The report outlines key performance indicators (KPIs) for responsible corporate tax conduct, highlighting green and red flags. Key aspects include transparent financial statements, robust tax commitments, public Country-by-Country disclosures, disclosure of uncertain tax positions, and consistent corporate cash taxes paid over five years. It aims to guide investors in assessing tax conduct.
22 February 2024

Making Xinjiang sanctions work: Addressing forced labour through coercive trade and finance measures

University of Nottingham
This is a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of the measures adopted and implemented to address the issue of forced labour in Xinjiang, China. Based on open-source data and expert analysis, the report highlights key themes and outlines a set of recommendations designed to improve the effectiveness of current trade and financial measures.
28 July 2022

Increasing female participation on boards: Effects on sustainability reporting

This study explores the relationship between board gender diversity and sustainability reporting using data from 2,116 banks over a ten-year period. Results indicate that having 22–50% female board members positively affects ESG disclosure, but beyond 50%, negative effects appear. It suggests that banks should mandate quotas to promote sustainable disclosure.
18 June 2020