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Trinidad and Tobago

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ESG issues
SASB Sustainability Sector
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3 results
SHOW: 16

Increasing female participation on boards: Effects on sustainability reporting

This study explores the relationship between board gender diversity and sustainability reporting using data from 2,116 banks over a ten-year period. Results indicate that having 22–50% female board members positively affects ESG disclosure, but beyond 50%, negative effects appear. It suggests that banks should mandate quotas to promote sustainable disclosure.
18 June 2020

Global microscope 2020: The role of financial inclusion in the COVID-19 response

The Economist Intelligence Unit
This report is a study of the enabling environment for financial inclusion in 55 low to middle income countries. It focuses on the role of financial inclusion in terms of how governments in those countries responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
31 December 2020

Worldwide investments in cluster munitions: A shared responsibility

A 2018 report on worldwide investments in harmful cluster munitions. Two arms manufacturers recently ended production of cluster munitions, and more financial institutions and states are acting to end money going to producers. Despite declining investment from financial institutions, there are seven companies in the report still manufacturing.
3 December 2018