The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (the Alliance) is a network of 17 global research universities each with expertise in this emerging field. Founded in 2017, the Alliance promotes highly impactful academic research on sustainable finance and investment.
The Alliance is run by an organising committee consisting of representatives from each member university.
The Alliance holds an annual conference with multidisciplinary contributions from disciplines including finance, accounting, management, geography, and development economics. The research contributions span topics such as:
- Climate adaptation and resilience: climate change implications for global supply chains and the catastrophe bonds market
- Climate risks: implications for different asset classes, central banking and financial supervision
- Climate policy and law: implications for firms and the financial system
- Innovative methods and datasets: utilising AI & machine learning to create new datasets, and mixed methods to estimate flood risks to property values
- Stranded assets, financial disclosure, and ratings
- The role of corporate governance mechanisms and active ownership in promoting sustainability
- Behavioural factors affecting individuals and the sustainability of markets
The Alliance taps into a significant and growing interest among practitioners, policymakers, and civil society on the topic of sustainable finance and investment. And address the opportunity to ratchet up the quality and quantity of academic research in this area.
High-quality, rigorous academic research can inform necessary developments in theory and practice of sustainable finance and investment. Doing so will align the financial system and global environmental sustainability, necessary for the implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Alliance aims to organise the major annual academic conference on sustainable finance and investment internationally; develop academic collaboration between researchers working on sustainable finance and investment; and nurture the growth and development of graduate students and junior academics working on sustainable finance and investment.
The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment is supported by its member universities. Its annual conference is funded by corporate sponsorship.