About | Contributor | Cihan Aydogdu
Cihan Aydogdu
Master of Finance student at the UTS. Currently holding a bachelor’s degree from Istanbul University in Economics. Ethics, sustainability and ESG considerations in finance are my interest.
I am a CFA Level 1 Candidate and member of CFA Sydney Society. I want to benefit from quantitative methods and statistical concepts in finance to tackle environmental and social issues and help to make world better place for all of us.
Managing environmental, social and governance risks in non-life insurance business
The paper provides guidance and recommended actions to manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks in the non-life insurance business and to integrate ESG issues into the insurance underwriting process. It outlines eight areas of action to manage ESG risks supporting the Principles for Sustainable Insurance.
Principles for Sustainable Insurance
Principles for Sustainable Insurance serves as a global framework for the insurance industry to address environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities. As risk managers, risk carriers and investors, the insurance industry has a vital interest and plays an important role in fostering sustainable economic and social development.
How ESG issues become financially material to corporations and their investors
This working paper advances a framework that illustrates how environment, social and governance (‘ESG’) issues become financially material and impact on company and industry valuation. The framework comprises five stages of the pathways to materiality.
Harvard Business School
Harvard Business School is an academic institution dedicated to postgraduate scholarship, research and publishing in the field of business management, including environmental, social and governance issues. The institution seeks to shape business management and leadership that will make a difference in the world.