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4 results
SHOW: 16

Early warning systems and early action in fragile, conflict-affected and violent contexts: Addressing growing climate and disaster risks

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDDR)
The report explores the implementation of early warning systems (EWS) in fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) contexts, emphasising climate and disaster risk management. It identifies key challenges like limited governance and data availability, proposes governance coordination, regional cooperation, and technology integration as solutions, and advocates for conflict-sensitive and community-based approaches to build resilience and save lives.
30 September 2024

Investment framework for nutrition 2024

The World Bank
This is a comprehensive guide to addressing malnutrition. It emphasises cost-effective interventions, multisectoral approaches, and policy measures that integrate gender and climate change considerations. Expanding on the 2017 framework, it includes new evidence on interventions and financing strategies to improve nutrition outcomes globally, while aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2.2.
2 October 2024

Can government policies that drive strong economic outcomes for the private sector alleviate poverty?

United Nations Global Compact
The report examines how the adoption of policies that drive strong economic outcomes for the private sector often reduce poverty in the developing world, primarily through opportunities for job creation. In particular, the report calls for policies that promote greater access to credit and the protection of minority investors.
11 October 2019

Internal displacement from January to June 2019

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre's (IDMC) findings reveal the most significant displacements associated with conflict, violence and disasters around the world between January - June 2019. The report gives an insightful gauge of global displacements, 7.8 million triggered by disasters and 3.8 million by conflict and violence.
12 September 2019