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Dominican Republic

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7 results
SHOW: 16

Young women's financial inclusion: What works

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
The report explores strategies for financially including young women, particularly in low-income countries. It highlights key components such as product design, delivery, financial capability building, and social intermediation, and addresses how financial services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different segments of young women, making it both impactful and commercially viable for financial service providers.
10 October 2024

Policy model for gender-inclusive finance

Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI)
This paper outlines key strategies for policymakers and regulators to foster women's financial inclusion. It emphasises addressing societal barriers, leveraging digital financial services, and promoting regulatory frameworks. By advancing gender equity in finance, it contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, with a focus on economic empowerment, reducing inequalities, and fostering inclusive growth.
5 September 2024

Anticipatory finance: An introductory guide

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDDR)
This introductory guide explores anticipatory finance, a funding mechanism released before predicted disasters to reduce humanitarian impact. It explains anticipatory action (AA), details potential finance sources (e.g. donor funds, government budgets, insurance), and presents real-world examples, challenges, and recommendations for implementation.
22 April 2024

Global assessment report on disaster risk reduction - our world at risk: Transforming governance for a resilient future

United Nations (UN)
The report explores the challenges faced in managing systemic risk, the complexity of decision-making in volatile situations and offers solutions for improving risk communication.
20 July 2022

Building capacity for the Paris Agreement's Enhanced Transparency Framework: What can we learn from countries' experiences and UNFCCC processes?

World Resources Institute
This report outlines the necessity of capacity building to enhance transparency in the Paris Agreement. The report uses 13 case studies to highlight challenges in implementing transparency requirements and six lessons for effective capacity building. International initiatives and support programs are discussed to inform the construction of transparent and sustainable climate governance.
Case studies
26 March 2019

Global microscope 2020: The role of financial inclusion in the COVID-19 response

The Economist Intelligence Unit
This report is a study of the enabling environment for financial inclusion in 55 low to middle income countries. It focuses on the role of financial inclusion in terms of how governments in those countries responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
31 December 2020

Global progress report of the Sustainable Banking Network: Innovations in policy and industry actions in emerging markets - October 2019

International Finance Corporation
This report discusses progress made by emerging market financial sector regulatory agencies and the financial institutions they supervise, with respect to the advancement of sustainable finance in those markets. The report identifies key components for a national sustainable financial framework and the steps needed to implement it in emerging markets.
11 October 2019