Business Call to Action
Business Call to Action works in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, challenging businesses to develop inclusive business models that empower and engage low-income populations.
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Business Call to Action (BCtA) was launched in 2008 at the United Nations, aiming to promote the Sustainable Development Goals through the engagement of low-income populations in business. More specifically, BCtA focuses on empowering individuals living on less than US$10 per day in purchasing power (in terms of 2015 US dollars). In doing this, BCtA hopes to contribute to public dialogue, policy making and sector development with regards to inequality.
BCtA is headquartered at the United Nations Development Programme in New York, where its secretariat is hosted. It was formed as a multilateral alliance among donor governments, including the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
Worldwide, 243 companies ranging from multinationals to social enterprises have pledged to improve the livelihood of millions of people in developing countries. BCtA members must be approved, commercially viable ventures that engage low-income populations. Their commitments are comprised of a range of applications, including access to markets, financial services, affordable healthcare, water and sanitation, education and other important services.
BCtA’s role in supporting its members is predominantly through provision of online tools, publications, workshops and webinars. Additionally, it offers unique Impact Measurement Services to its partner companies, providing tools to make the case for inclusive models in any business.
Business Call to Action (BCtA) aims to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by challenging companies to develop inclusive business models that engage people at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP) – people with less than US$10 per day in purchasing power in 2015 US dollars – as consumers, producers, suppliers, distributors of goods and services and employees.
Business Call to Action’s secretariat is hosted by the United Nations Development Programme, and is funded by multiple donor governments, including:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Swedish Inernational Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID)