Novethic specialise in sustainable finance research and offer the financial industry resources to facilitate the transitions to a sustainable, low carbon and inclusive economy. They offer services and resources to assist finance professionals with research, ESG labelling schemes and capacity development support for advocates of sustainability.
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Novethic’s research in sustainable finance focuses on best practice in asset management and responsible investment. They produce publicly available reports covering sustainable finance trends with a particular focus on France and Europe. Founded in 2001, Novethic is a subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts Group, a French public sector financial institution.
In terms of capacity building for finance professionals, Novethic summarises relevant sustainable finance trends, news and debates. Furthermore, they provide training through workshops and freely available e-learning resources on diverse topics including green finance strategy, codes and practices of impact finance and portfolio building with the European taxonomy.
Novethic offers support for companies who are currently or are interested in becoming more responsible. They offer guidance on:
- how to set up corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- best practice in environmental, social and governance (ESG)
- how to recognise, apply and report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Novethic has developed three initiatives to help responsible investors network including the Positive Investor Forum, Institutional Circle and Greenfin Label. Novethic established the Institutional Circle which is a network of financial institutions committed to responsible finance. The Positive Investors Forum is a meeting place for investment professionals, financial directors, business leaders, entrepreneurs and opinion leaders who are dedicated to the sustainable transformation of business and the economy. The Greenfin Label is a reference tool for investing in the green economy created by France’s Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. It seeks to guarantee that the financial products invested in contribute to the financing of the green economy. Novethic’s role is the official auditor of the Greenfin label.
Our mission is to spread a sustainable culture among finance and business professionals, to empower decision-makers and facilitate their action.
Novethic is a subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts Group, a French public sector financial institution part of the government institutions under the control of the French parliament. For more information on Caisse des Dépôts Group click here.