Rhodium Group has decades of experience producing rigorous, independent and decision-relevant research and data. In addition to our stand-alone analysis we maintain long-standing collaborations with leading think-tanks and universities in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Our work is regularly cited by media and government bodies, and used by firms, investors, philanthropic leaders and policymakers worldwide.
Key areas of Rhodium expertise include Chinese economic, social and political development, energy and climate change, India’s emergence as a global player and advanced economy restructuring.
Rhodium’s Energy & Climate team analyses the market impact of energy and climate policy and the economic risks of global climate change. This interdisciplinary team includes policy experts, economic analysts, energy modelers, data engineers and climate scientists. Their research supports decision-makers in the public, financial services, corporate, philanthropic and non-profit sectors.
The team uses a suite of proprietary and open-source models to analyse the effects of policy and market developments on energy systems and greenhouse gas emissions at the international, US, and state levels. We also provide decision-makers in the public, financial services, corporate, philanthropic and non-profit sectors with actionable information about the risks of climate change in different sectors of the economy and regions of the world.
Rhodium’s climate data services and platforms include:
A partnership of Rhodium Group and Breakthrough Energy—provides global and US and 50-state greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory data, energy market and emissions forecasts, and analysis of energy and climate policy developments.
Climate Impact Lab
This collaboration between the University of Chicago, University of California, Berkeley, Rutgers University, and Rhodium Group is a first-of-its-kind multidisciplinary effort. The Climate Impact Lab’s research enables detailed understanding of the risks climate change presents, supporting efforts to mitigate those risks through smarter investments and policy.
Rhodium Group has received funding from multiple left-of-centre private foundations including the Heising-Simons Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation.