About | Enrico Colombo

Enrico Colombo

Experienced professional in responsible investment, ESG and sustainability. Currently lead analyst and manager of Asia-Pacific research at Sustainalytics. Avid reader and occasional binge-watcher, I like cooking, travelling, practicing yoga and spending time outdoors.


Originally from Italy, I studied business at Bocconi University in Milan, spent an exchange semester in Shanghai, China and did a master’s in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

I started working as an ESG analyst at Sustainalytics in Frankfurt before moving to Sydney. I am a member of the Human Rights Working Group of Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) and participate in the work of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative.

I believe in the role and responsibility of business and finance to promote more sustainable practices and contribute to address the most pressing world challenges, particularly climate change and environmental degradation. I am thrilled to contribute to Altiorem and build a universal library of content to change finance for good!


Mapping of global responsible investment best practices

Inflection Point
Responsible investment is gaining momentum globally as an integral part of asset management, incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into investment decision-making. Inflection Point Capital Management analyses the efforts by a number of asset owners to implement responsible investment processes, and provides best practices for institutional investors to follow.
31 December 2017

British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Issue Focused NGOs & Think Tanks
British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is a leading independent law research centre. It provides informed and practical legal ideas for a global community through offering high quality research projects, seminars and publications that encompass public and private international law, comparative law and European law.
1 research item

Human rights in private equity: Information and summary

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
This paper provides an overview of human rights due diligence (HRDD) in relation to private equity (PE) investors. Topics covered include the responsibility of PE, the value of HRDD for PE, the characteristics of PE, integration of HRDD into PE processes and implementation challenges.
31 December 2017

Modern slavery reporting - Guide for investors

Australian Council of Superannuation Investors
This report aims to guide reporting entities and investors on the requirements of the Australian Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018. It informs and provides suggestions to companies and investors on how to identify, manage and reduce the risks and impacts of modern slavery.
30 November 2019


Digging deeper: Human rights and the extractives sector

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
The report examines significant human rights issues in the extractives sector value chain, and summarises the key outcomes and insights of a PRI-coordinated (Principles for Responsible Investment) engagement with companies. Importantly, the report highlights the key elements that investors should consider when engaging with mining, oil and gas companies.
19 July 2018