Library | ESG issues
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Beyond an age of waste: Turning rubbish into a resource
The report highlights the urgent need to rethink waste as a resource. It emphasises the significance of reducing waste generation, improving waste management practices, and transitioning towards a circular economy to mitigate the environmental impacts of waste. The report presents scenarios for future waste management and advocates for global action to prevent a worsening waste crisis.
An innovation pathway to decarbonization: Circular economy solutions for policymakers and industry in the US
The US has a significant opportunity to decarbonise its industrial sector and boost its economy by transitioning to a circular economy. This report explores the economic and environmental benefits of circular solutions in key industries, such as batteries, construction, and electronics. It also analyses current US policies that support a circular economy and provides recommendations for further policy interventions to accelerate this transition.
Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions
The aim of this paper is to create transparency regarding the current understandings of the circular economy concept. The findings indicate that the circular economy is most frequently depicted as a combination of reduce, reuse and recycle activities. Concerningly, many definitions overlook that circular economy necessitates a systemic shift.
Bankrolling plastics: The banks that fund plastic packaging pollution
Banks continue to finance the global plastics chain, despite the significant risks of lender liability from the impacts of plastic waste. This report highlights the lack of development of any due diligence systems, contingent loan criteria, or financing exclusions at the banks when it comes to the plastic packaging industry.
Waste and opportunity 2020: Searching for Corporate Leadership - 50 corporations ranked on plastic packaging pollution
The 2020 published report by As You Sow investigates 50 corporations and ranks them based on their performance in leadership and ambition relating to sustainable packaging of their products, while also taking into account their contributions and support to increase recycling rates and engage in producer responsibility efforts.
Towards sustainable packaging materials: Examining the relative impact of materials in the natural source water and soft drinks value chain
This report examines the impact of packaging materials for natural source water and soft drinks. The materials examined include plastic bottles, aluminium cans, glass bottles and multi-material cartons. To reduce impact, findings highlight that businesses should increase circularity and levels of recycled material for all material types.
Deloitte Australia cleantech (DACT) index
The quarterly performance of 93 cleantech stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is outlined. Measured in relation to the ASX200, the findings reveal this new and emerging industry's growth in comparison to Australia's already established powerhouse companies.