Library | Resource Types
Online tool/database
Tools and databases are resources designed to help members evaluate the sustainability impact and financial performance of investments or business decisions. Tools allow members to assess impact, model scenarios and enable informed decisions that align with sustainability goals.
73 results
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EU taxonomy navigator
The EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy is a classification system that defines environmentally sustainable economic activities. It helps investors, companies, and policymakers assess sustainability performance and align financial flows with climate and environmental objectives. The tool supports transparency and comparability in sustainable finance, aiding compliance with EU sustainability regulations.
PRI's regulation database
The PRI's regulation database documents financial, corporate, and real economy policies that support, encourage, or require responsible investment practices. It focuses on the top 20 countries by PRI signatory count, plus G20 members and the European Union, providing a comprehensive view of evolving policy frameworks in key markets.
Sustainable development report interactive map
The Sustainable Development Report's interactive map evaluates the progress of all 193 UN Member States towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Each country's performance is scored, with 100 indicating full achievement. Users can explore individual goals and assess transboundary impacts through the Spillover Index.
&Bloom's New Zealand Climate Standards Toolkit
The New Zealand Climate Standards (NZCS) Toolkit, based on guidance from the External Reporting Board (XRB), supports entities in adopting climate-related disclosure standards. It provides a question directory, principles, and a glossary to facilitate compliance. Emphasising judgement over a checklist approach, it aims to prepare stakeholders for effective climate reporting.
How to achieve deforestation-free pensions
This guide provides investors with a roadmap for creating deforestation-free pension portfolios. It offers strategies and best practices for identifying and mitigating deforestation risks, ensuring responsible investment in pension funds.
Australia's State of the Environment 2021
This website hosts the Australia State of the Environment Report, which provides comprehensive assessments of the condition of Australia's environment. The report covers various themes, including biodiversity, land, inland water, coasts, marine environment, atmosphere, and heritage. It offers valuable insights into environmental trends, pressures, and management actions, supporting informed policy and decision-making for sustainable development.
Finance for biodiversity: Engagement templates
This engagement template compliments the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation's Engagement Guidance document for Financial Institutions.
Aqueduct Country Risk Rating
This spatial tool shows countries and provinces' average exposure to six of the Aqueduct 3.0's water risk indicators: baseline water stress, riverine flood risk, and drought risk.
Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
Aqueduct's global water risk mapping tool helps companies, investors, governments, and other users understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide. The Atlas uses a robust, peer reviewed methodology and the best-available data to create high-resolution, customizable global maps of water risk.
Natural Capital Measurement Catalogue Version 2
The Natural Capital Measurement Catalogue (NCMC) is an open resource for users to select metrics and methods for the measurement of natural capital assets, flows of services or benefits, and organisational impacts or dependencies on nature. The WCMC is designed to present natural capital accounting and assessment metrics that are consistent with national and international standards and frameworks such as the United Nations System of Economic-Environmental Accounting (SEEA), the Natural Capital Protocol and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
CDP Water Watch Impact Index
The CDP's water watch impact index tool makes a qualitative assessment of impact on freshwater resources at different stages of the value chain, based on independent and trusted academic, scientific and industry-recognized sources. Its focus on environmental impact distinguishes it from tools that measure business risks posed by water.
TNFD Tool Catalogue
Building on insights from the nature-related data catalyst, the TNFD has created a beta version of an online searchable Tools Catalogue, providing an overview of tools that organisations can use to apply to each phase of the LEAP approach. The catalogue will be continually updated.
This Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site based Assessments (TESSA) provides practical guidance on how to identify which services may be significant at a site of interest, what data are needed to measure them, what methods or sources can be used to obtain the data and how to communicate results. It assesses and values ecosystem services, supporting natural capital accounting and investment decisions.
Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit (SPOTT)
SPOTT supports the finance sector and supply chain stakeholders to manage ESG risks through transparency assessments of soft commodity producers and traders. It helps evaluate ESG practices of companies, guiding responsible investment decisions.
TRASE maps forest risk supply chains linking consumer countries and traders with places of production. This allows for greater visibility of the countries, regions and companies that have higher rates of deforestation.
Forest Declaration Dashboard
The Forest Declaration Dashboard is a monitoring tool that tracks global progress towards the 2030 goals of halting and reversing deforestation. It offers data and insights across themes such as forest conservation, sustainable development, finance, and governance, aiding stakeholders in assessing and enhancing forest-related initiatives.