Library | ESG issues
Weapons & Armaments
8 results
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Material insights
Material Insights is a tool to help companies and stakeholders manage environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks in mineral supply chains. It provides data-driven insights on specific minerals, supporting responsible sourcing and sustainability efforts in the raw materials sector.
International Peace Information Service (IPIS)
IPIS Research (International Peace Information Service) is an independent research institute focusing on conflict mapping, natural resources, and business and human rights in sub-Saharan Africa. Through in-depth analysis and field research, IPIS provides valuable insights for policymakers, NGOs, and businesses seeking to understand complex issues in these regions.
Investor toolkit on human rights and armed conflict: Managing human rights impacts and international humanitarian law implications before, during and after armed conflicts arise
This investor toolkit provides guidance on managing human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL) risks before, during, and after armed conflicts. It helps investors identify and address these risks in their portfolios, ensuring compliance with legal obligations and promoting responsible investment practices.
Investing in the laws of war: International humanitarian law and the financial sector
The article reviewed the extent to which the country's financial sector incorporates IHL and conflict-related considerations in investment and operational decision-making. Findings from the unpublished confidential report reveal a lack of IHL awareness and significant knowledge gaps, highlighting the need to embed IHL into corporate policies and practices.
Building peace and prosperity: What business can do
A brief look at the policies and actions stakeholders can do to confront and prevent violent conflict in high-risk areas. Actions are laid out for businesses, governments, the United Nations, investment community, and civil society. Multi-stakeholder initiatives to support building and investing in peace are presented.
How to read a financial institution's policy: Analysing cluster munitions divestment policies
Financial institutions consider cluster munitions companies as inappropriate business partners and have made efforts to restrict their investment. Unfortunately, their policies contain loopholes that could still allow their financing. Several steps have been introduced in order to help analyse a financial institution's policy and prevent cluster munitions exposure in portfolios.
Worldwide investments in cluster munitions: A shared responsibility
A 2018 report on worldwide investments in harmful cluster munitions. Two arms manufacturers recently ended production of cluster munitions, and more financial institutions and states are acting to end money going to producers. Despite declining investment from financial institutions, there are seven companies in the report still manufacturing.
PAX works together with committed citizens and partners to protect civilians against acts of war, to end armed violence and to build a just peace.