Themis International Services
Themis International Services is a firm which helps clients identify and manage their financial crime risks through a combination of innovation, insight and intelligence. Then firm helps organisations understand the strategic threats through an ESG and socio-economic lens and protects their customers, staff, suppliers and shareholders from criminal attacks or association.
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Themis International Services helps understand the strategic threats of financial crime through an ESG and socio-economic lens.
Based in Guildford, UK, Themis specialises in areas such as money laundering, fraud, modern slavery and human trafficking, terrorism financing and proliferation financing among others. The goal of Themis is to reduce the global impacts of financial crime including helping firms manage their exposure to criminal attacks and association.
Themis specialises in protecting customers, staff, suppliers and shareholders from financial crime risks through:
- innovation – pioneering technology to manage financial crime risk
- insight – threat-based analysis to educate and drive change
- intelligence – preventative steps to avoid exposure to financial crime
Themis also provides resources such as a risk assessment tool, a financial crime data base, training as well as corporate services such as ongoing monitoring and companywide risk assessments.
Themis offers tailored due diligence reports for clients to advise client actions through leveraging detailed and expert knowledge of financial crime. This ensures their clients are not directly or indirectly dealing with, aiding or facilitating criminals through their business operations.
Themis runs a successful podcast on a wide range of financial crime topics including hosting guest speakers to discuss recent financial crime news. They also provide market analysis in areas such as country risk reports and latest criminal techniques while also offering ESG risk reports using recent market intelligence.
Themis are a signatory to the UN Global Compact which is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments designed to encourage companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption and to take actions that advance societal goals.
“To reduce the global impacts of financial crime.”