Global tipping points
The 2023 report explores ways to prevent potentially irreversible changes to the Earth’s natural systems and recommends coordinated global action and governance. It also highlights positive tipping points in technology, economics, and society that can aid a sustainable future.
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This report analyses tipping points of Earth’s natural systems and suggests recommendations for mitigating negative effects and leveraging positive changes. The report highlights the need for urgent action to prevent negative tipping points. It recommends building resiliency against negative tipping points through sustainable and equitable governance. The report suggests a coordinated effort by stakeholders across governance, business, and civil society to create positive tipping points in societies, politics, economies, technology, culture and behaviour. Investments in research funds to improve our understanding of the potential negative impacts of Earth system tipping points are recommended.
The report examines the implications of crossing Earth System Tipping Points and how it would affect broader human, social and cultural aspects of our world. It analyses how humans will be affected by such shifts and offers recommendations on improving adaptation. It recommends enhancing our ability to anticipate negative tipping points to increase the opportunity for pre-emptive adaptation.
The report highlights the inadequacy of global governance to mitigate tipping point threats and offers suggestions for governance across multiple scales. It proposes an urgent agenda for developing a framework for governance to address diverse and irreversible impacts. The Report critiques the emergent approach of Solar Geoengineering as inadequate for timely response and suggests that governance should guard against relying on it as a sole solution.
The report suggests that similar tipping dynamics that lead to negative impacts on societies and Earth’s systems can be used for positive benefits. The report highlights opportunities in green ammonia production, renewable power technology, and electric vehicle advancements. It recommends coordinated, international, systems-thinking approaches to super-leverage points and tipping cascades, particularly for green hydrogen and hydrogen electrolyser.