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Lifecycle Management
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IMPACT World+ is a globally regionalised method for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), integrating multiple state-of-the-art developments as well as damages on water and carbon areas of concern within a consistent LCIA framework. Most of the regional impact categories have been spatially differentiated and all long-term impact categories have been subdivided into shorter-term damage (the first 100 years after the emission) and long-term damage categories.
ReCiPe is a method for the impact assessment (LCIA) in an LCA. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) translates emissions and resource extractions into a limited number of environmental impact scores by means of so-called characterisation factors.
The state of AI governance in Australia
This report reveals that Australian organisations lack structured governance around AI systems. Corporate leaders should invest in expertise, create a comprehensive AI strategy, implement addressing risks and support a human-centered culture. The appropriate governance of AI systems is critical for corporate leaders to mitigate risks.
What Doughnut Economics means for business: Creating enterprises that are regenerative and distributive by design
This guide is intended for businesses and individuals who want to implement Doughnut Economics principles. It provides guidance on how to redesign a business through its strategic decisions and operations by focusing on purpose, networks governance, ownership and finance. The paper explores barriers and innovations to sustainable business design.
Is the gas industry facing its Volkswagen moment? Gas is more emissions intensive than the gas industry’s marketing arm suggests
Conventional or natural gas is an important short-term fuel for building a reliable renewable energy system in Australia. However, the need for more gas is overestimated by the gas industry. Stakeholders have been misled about the carbon footprint of gas production, transportation and its impact on climate change.
Bankrolling plastics: The banks that fund plastic packaging pollution
Banks continue to finance the global plastics chain, despite the significant risks of lender liability from the impacts of plastic waste. This report highlights the lack of development of any due diligence systems, contingent loan criteria, or financing exclusions at the banks when it comes to the plastic packaging industry.
Blueprint for business leadership on the SDGs: A principles-based approach
Business cannot thrive unless people and planet are thriving. This publication presents a framework for the next generation of business leadership with the intention to foster contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at scale.
Factory farming in Asia: Assessing investment risks
Asia's meat, dairy, and seafood industries are increasingly vulnerable to risks with the potential to damage returns. This report analyses twelve Asia-Pacific markets identifying five areas of risk including food safety and nutrition, public health, environment, animal welfare and labour standards. Each area of risk includes key questions for investors.
Universal circular economy policy goals: Enabling the transition to scale
As industries and governments move towards the circular economy, clear and aligned direction is needed for a rapid transition to scale. This paper proposes five universal policy goals that can help governments build healthier economic recoveries and lower the costs of transition for businesses across sectors.
Towards sustainable packaging materials: Examining the relative impact of materials in the natural source water and soft drinks value chain
This report examines the impact of packaging materials for natural source water and soft drinks. The materials examined include plastic bottles, aluminium cans, glass bottles and multi-material cartons. To reduce impact, findings highlight that businesses should increase circularity and levels of recycled material for all material types.
Seafood sourcing risk in Asia: 2016
Asia Research and Engagement’s research lists the current sustainability risks pertaining to the seafood industry and responses from retailers and hotels. It builds a case for the retailers, hotels and restaurants operating in seafood supply across Asia to increase their focus on their supply chain risks and take the necessary steps to manage them.