Library | SASB Sustainability Sector

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16 results
SHOW: 16

Nature target setting framework for asset managers and asset owners

Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
The framework seeks to create a shared understanding and common language for investors on target setting, while steering private financial flows in alignment with the mission of the Global Biodiversity Framework to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. It focuses on listed equity and corporate bonds.
3 July 2024

Exploring nature impacts and dependencies: A field guide to eight key sectors

This field guide helps investors identify and assess nature-related impacts and dependencies across eight key sectors. It provides sector-specific insights and strategies for integrating nature considerations into investment decisions.
26 March 2024

State of nature-related disclosures: Assessing TNFD alignment of nature-related disclosures by firms in high-risk sectors

First Sentier Investors
The report evaluates the alignment of firms' nature-related disclosures with the TNFD framework. It covers eight priority sectors, highlighting disclosure gaps and providing recommendations for improvement to ensure comprehensive, high-quality nature-related reporting.
9 July 2024

Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)

Other Industry / Sector Specific Groups & Sponsored Organisations
Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) is Australia's peak body for co-operatives and mutuals, across various sectors, including agriculture, banking, health, housing, and retail. Representing diverse sectors, BCCM advocates for sustainable business models, offering resources, research, and support.

1 research item

Can investors save the planet? - NZAMI and fiduciary duty

The report evaluates asset managers' strategies aligning with the Race to Zero goal of limiting global warming while considering the possibility of a different climate scenario. It finds impactful environmental approaches might pose fiduciary challenges. Authors propose revising commitments to enhance climate impact while upholding fiduciary duties.
1 December 2022

Climate scorpion – the sting is in the tail: Introducing planetary solvency

Global Systems Institute (University of Exeter)
The report explores the risks and impact of climate change on a global scale. The report emphasises the need for a realistic risk assessment urgently and laying out a blueprint on developing a Planetary Solvency framework.
12 March 2024

Assessing pharma companies’ response to COVID-19 and the threat of future pandemics

Access to Medicine Foundation
This report analyses pharmaceutical companies’ response during the initial stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, their performance in terms of registration and applying equitable access strategies for COVID-19 vaccines, voluntary licensing agreements and technology transfers, and forward-looking assessment of their preparedness for future epidemics and pandemics.
18 November 2022

Beyond diversity: Equity and inclusion as an overlooked opportunity for investors

This research identifies diversity, equity, and inclusion as instruments for creating stronger business performance and highlights the potential opportunity cost incurred by businesses and investors that overlook the possibility of equity and inclusion deficits.
27 July 2021

Guidance and case studies for ESG integration: Equities and fixed income

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
The CFA Institute and Principles for Responsible Investment commissioned a survey on ESG integration, revealing that 56% of investors integrate governance into their equity analysis. Analysts may engage in ESG in fixed-income analysis to evaluate the risks and value of assets. ESG issues help investors arrive at estimates of fair stock value.
Case studies
7 September 2018

Geopolitics of the energy transition: Critical materials

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
This paper explores strategic approaches for ensuring a sustainable energy transition by investigating the geopolitical aspects of critical materials including their supply chain, responsible efficiency, emergence of new technologies, their impact on labour rights, as well as suggesting ways to mitigate their risks and boost cooperation between countries.
5 September 2023

Pensions and impact investing: How are National Advisory Boards (NABs) for impact investing engaging with pension funds to advance the market?

Global Steering Group for Impact Investment
The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) runs an Engaging with Pension Funds working group to support affiliated members to deepen their engagement with pension funds to advance the impact investment market. The report reflects case studies and examples gathered from members of the working group from 2021-2022.
Case studies
27 July 2023

New frontiers in value creation: A guide to impact value creation in collaboration with impact capital managers

This report explores new frontiers in impact value creation across private markets. It discusses key considerations for financial materiality of impact, sources of impact value creation, and modalities for impact value creation with a focus on case studies.
9 February 2024

Truth in impact: A Tideline guide to using the impact investment label

This report provides insights on sustainable investing labelling. Investors can self-classify and maintain market integrity through clear, accurate labelling backed by independent verification. The report offers a proprietary Framework for Impact Labeling, case studies, and observations about sustainable investing.
4 August 2021

The purpose action gap: The business imperative of ESG

This report examines the gap between what consumers and brands believe and how they act when it comes to purpose and sustainability. Based on studies of 2,500 consumers and interviews with 125 large consumer companies, the report offers valuable insights for businesses looking to meet consumer and investor expectations.
12 August 2021

Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
This report aims to provide a unified approach to the disclosure of natural dependencies, impacts and risks for financial institutions and corporates. As the issue of natural loss and climate change continues to grow, a harmonised way of tackling these risks needs to be agreed to safeguard against material impacts.
30 September 2023

SDG Industry Matrix: Healthcare and life sciences

United Nations Global Compact
Compiled by the UN Global Compact and KPMG, the SDG Industry Matrixes focus on the opportunities, principle-based initiatives, and opportunities for collaboration across seven sectors. This matrix applies to companies and initiatives in the healthcare and life sciences sector, highlighting the nexus between sustainability and value.
31 July 2016