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7 results
SHOW: 16

Investment framework for nutrition 2024

The World Bank
This is a comprehensive guide to addressing malnutrition. It emphasises cost-effective interventions, multisectoral approaches, and policy measures that integrate gender and climate change considerations. Expanding on the 2017 framework, it includes new evidence on interventions and financing strategies to improve nutrition outcomes globally, while aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2.2.
2 October 2024

World Bank's state of the artisanal and small-scale mining sector series

The World Bank
This series examines the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector, addressing critical data gaps, sustainable development challenges, and the sector's contribution to global supply chains. It highlights gender equality, occupational health, and safety, while showcasing strategies to formalise ASM and improve its economic and social impact.

Financial crimes and land conversion: Uncovering risk for financial institutions

World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund – WWF)
This report outlines the risks financial institutions face due to land conversion and related financial crimes. It emphasises the convergence of land conversion with crimes like money laundering and corruption, highlighting the need for robust due diligence and risk assessment. It introduces an Environmental Crimes Financial Toolkit to aid institutions in mitigating these risks.
22 April 2024

Business banking and start-up support for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking

Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST)
The report highlights the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII), addressing the business banking and startup needs of survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking. It outlines efforts such as training, support, expert review, and the global Survivor Business Roundtable to enhance survivors' access to financial services.
5 October 2022

Global microscope 2020: The role of financial inclusion in the COVID-19 response

The Economist Intelligence Unit
This report is a study of the enabling environment for financial inclusion in 55 low to middle income countries. It focuses on the role of financial inclusion in terms of how governments in those countries responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
31 December 2020

Internal displacement from January to June 2019

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre's (IDMC) findings reveal the most significant displacements associated with conflict, violence and disasters around the world between January - June 2019. The report gives an insightful gauge of global displacements, 7.8 million triggered by disasters and 3.8 million by conflict and violence.
12 September 2019

Worldwide investments in cluster munitions: A shared responsibility

A 2018 report on worldwide investments in harmful cluster munitions. Two arms manufacturers recently ended production of cluster munitions, and more financial institutions and states are acting to end money going to producers. Despite declining investment from financial institutions, there are seven companies in the report still manufacturing.
3 December 2018