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Online tool/database

Tools and databases are resources designed to help members evaluate the sustainability impact and financial performance of investments or business decisions. Tools allow members to assess impact, model scenarios and enable informed decisions that align with sustainability goals.

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66 results
SHOW: 16

Global impact database's biodiversity impact data

This database offers comprehensive biodiversity impact data, enhancing ESG reporting and investment decisions. Biodiversity dataset can be used to assess the biodiversity impact of B2B interactions, investment portfolios and funds. Currently, it is being used by forward-thinking institutions – including a large Dutch bank and a large Dutch asset manager – to investigate the biodiversity impact of portfolios. (Primary proxies: Land use, water pollution, air pollution)
Online tool/database

SBTN sector materiality tool

United Nations Environment Programme
The aim of the Sectoral Materiality Tool is to help users carry out a first screening of what types of environmental impact are potentially materially relevant to their sector and their company's activities, as part of Step 1a of the SBTN guidance.
Online tool/database

Living Planet Index

World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund – WWF)
This index provides metrics and indices to assess the health of planet's biodiversity. It is widely used to inform policy and conservation efforts.
Online tool/database


IMPACT World+ is a globally regionalised method for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), integrating multiple state-of-the-art developments as well as damages on water and carbon areas of concern within a consistent LCIA framework. Most of the regional impact categories have been spatially differentiated and all long-term impact categories have been subdivided into shorter-term damage (the first 100 years after the emission) and long-term damage categories.
Online tool/database

Forest IQ

Powered by data from Trase Earth, Forest IQ has been developed to support banks and investors assess and manage their exposure to deforestation risk. Forest IQ provides market leading data about corporate performance on deforestation impacts, land conversion, and natural ecosystem and human rights abuses. Trase Earth offers open source data that is free to download.
Online tool/database


Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)
IRIS+ provides streamlined, practical, how-to guidance on integrating social and environmental factors into investment decision making. It is free to use.
Online tool/database

Indicators for the Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

United Nations Environment Programme
This site provides information about the proposed indicators for the monitoring framework for the Post 2020 GBF.
Online tool/database


United Nations Environment Programme
Developed by UN WCMC and CITES Secretariat, Species + provides a central portal for accessing key information on species of global concern.
Online tool/database

Protected Planet

Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of data on protected areas and other effective are-based conservation measures (OECMs), updated monthly with submissions from governments, non-government organisations, landowners and communities.
Online tool/database

Land use finance impact hub 

United Nations Environment Programme
The hub hosts a collection of tools and guidance to help financial institutions harmonise environmental and social impact monitoring for sustainable land use finance.
Online tool/database

Eora global supply chain database

EORA is a global supply chain database that consists of a multi-region input output table (MIRO) model that provides a time series of high-resolution IO tables with matching environmental and social satellite accounts for 190 countries. EORA has particularly high granularity for Australia, whereas EXIOBASE is ideal for the European context.
Online tool/database

UN world conservation monitoring centre (UN-WCMC)

United Nations Environment Programme
The UNEP WCMC is part of the specialist biodiversity assessment arm of the United Nations Environment Program. It is a ‘centre of excellence’, home to resources, tools, data bases, project information and more — A wealth of knowledge designed to inform and support organisations.
Online tool/database

World database of key biodiversity areas

The key biodiversity areas database provides a comprehensive, robust, up-to-date, and accessible data management system for Key Biodiversity Areas, the most important sites in the world for nature (still in beta stage at time of writing).
Online tool/database

IUCN red list of threatened species   

The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species, also known as the IUCN Red List or Red Data Book, is a database of the world's most comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of biological species. 
Online tool/database


ReCiPe is a method for the impact assessment (LCIA) in an LCA. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) translates emissions and resource extractions into a limited number of environmental impact scores by means of so-called characterisation factors. 
Online tool/database


EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Supply-Use Table (MR-SUT) and Input-Output Table (MR-IOT). It was developed by harmonising and detailing supply-use tables for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry.
Online tool/database
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