CDP is a not-for-profit organisation helping investors, companies and cities measure and manage their risks and opportunities on climate change. CDP are pioneers in environmental disclosure holding a comprehensive dataset on environmental actions to empower individuals, corporations and governments to make sustainable choices for people and the planet.
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CDP was founded in 2000 by Paul Simpson and Paul Dickinson as one of the first platforms to link environmental integrity and fiduciary duty. Now, CDP operates from 50 countries, with over 9,600 companies and 800 cities disclosing their environmental information annually from over 90 countries.
CDP values transparency, accountability and collaboration. CDP has developed a way for both companies and cities to disclose their environmental impact to allow them to foster healthy competition and seek a competitive advantage. In doing so, CDP ensures accountability within economies such that they are water secure, have net zero emissions and zero deforestation.
CDP has a globally recognised reporting system whereby companies comprehensively report on their environmental standards allowing opportunities for risk evaluation and environmentally-informed improvements. CDP also assists cities as they provide feedback on their performance with respect to their peers as they promote more sustainable economies.
CDP publishes all the data reported by corporations and cities, as well as provides information for investors on how they can invest more environmentally consciously. This is assisted by their ranking of all disclosed companies and cities based on their three environmental concerns of climate change, forests and water security.
In recognising the risk of climate change, CDP are proactively improving the environmental standing of corporations and cities. Their philosophy of seeing environmental action and financial performance as inherently linked has allowed them to develop robust reporting processes through which organisations and governments can access centralised information and adapt planning to global and comparable standards.
We want to see a thriving economy that works for people and planet in the long term. We focus investors, companies and cities on taking action to build a truly sustainable economy by measuring and understanding their environmental impact.
CDP Global is an international non-profit organisation comprising of CDP Worldwide group, CDP North America, Inc and CDP Europe AISBL. CDP receives funding support from a wide range of sources including philanthropic grants, service-based memberships and government grants.
CDP Water Watch Impact Index
The changing climate policy landscape: Considerations for policymakers and the needs of investors
Guide for responsible corporate engagement in climate policy: A Caring for Climate report
Internal carbon pricing for low-carbon finance: A briefing paper on linking climate-related opportunities and risks to financing decisions for investors and banks