About | Contributor | Rubin Qiu
Rubin Qiu
Master of Finance graduate from University of Technology and Equity Research Analyst at Bee Asset Management.
I became an Altiorem volunteer because I believe investing is not just about returns, but also a big way you can have a positive impact on the world!
Investing for the climate in Asia
Are “green finance" and climate change gaining traction in the Asian financial sector? Asia Research and Engagement (ARE) reviewed the practices of 88 leading financial institutions across Asia-Pacific to find out. Growing momentum is discovered: 28% of banks and 30% of investors have incorporated climate change into their respective policies.
The return on purpose: Before and during a crisis
This paper demonstrates that investment in corporate purpose can improve company performance. To study the impact of purpose on performance, the authors conducted analysis on how corporate purpose relates to company financial performance, market valuation and shareholder value creation.
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) advises companies about how to build long-term sustainable value and positive impact. Working with executives and leaders in its coalition of companies from around the world, CECP shares actionable insights with its coalition of executives to address stakeholder needs.
Fortuna Advisors LLC
Fortuna Advisors LLC is a strategy consulting firm that helps organisations create value for stakeholders and shareholders. They apply corporate finance and valuation principles which provide a framework for decision making to aid their client’s strategic choices.
Mind the gap: the $1.6 trillion energy transition risk
This report delves into the challenges and degrees of risk facing the oil, gas and thermal coal industry under three different climate scenarios. It was conducted as part of the ET Risk Project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Inclusive business: What it is and why it matters
This report examines the concept of inclusive business as a means of enabling disadvantaged populations to participate in economic activity and share economic value. The report provides a comprehensive discussion of what an inclusive business initiative comprises and contains examples showing how they address social challenges.
HEC Paris Society and Organizations Institute
HEC Paris Society and Organizations Institute is an interdisciplinary body that undertakes research, teaching and implementation of ideas to help business meet challenges primarily posed by social inequality and climatic constraints. It seeks to reinvent business through promoting sustainability and unleashing human potential.
The growth of Australia's LNG industry and the decline in greenhouse gas emission standards: Increased emissions have offset any gains from renewables' rise in electricity generation
Discusses the growth of Australia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry from 2014-2019. Finding significant growth in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during this period. The report provides a brief history and context of Australia’s LNG boom, explains technical aspects of the industry and outlines four factors accounting for GHG growth.
Responsible investing and financial performance
The body of evidence continues to stack up – nationally and globally - showing that responsible investments typically achieve stronger risk-adjusted financial performance than their peers, consistently outperforming against benchmarks over short-term and long-term time frames. This fact sheet details the performance of Australian and New Zealand investment products, superannuation and impact investments.
Guide posts for investment in primary health care and projected resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study
Primary health care (PHC) is a driving force for advancing towards universal health coverage (UHC) and delivering the sustainable development goals. PHC-oriented health systems bring enormous benefits but require substantial financial investments. This guide presents measures for PHC investments and projects the associated resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries.
Investing with an LGBTQI lens: Rethinking gender analysis across investing fields
Produced with the support of Dreilinden gGmbH, a German Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) funder and impact investor, this guide sets out a theoretical grounding demonstrating why LGBTQI lens is germane to investment decision making and providing the tools needed to conduct financial analyses.
Criterion Institute
A non-profit think tank that works with social change-makers to demystify finance and broaden their perspective on how to engage with and shift financial systems. Working to transform relationships of power in finance by equipping leaders to engage systems of finance and reimagine new approaches to investment strategies.