Library | ESG issues

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71 results
SHOW: 16

IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining IRMA-STD-001

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA)
The Standard for Responsible Mining sets out best practices for industrial-scale mining. It focuses on social, environmental, and economic aspects, providing third-party certification for responsible performance. The Standard covers areas such as community engagement, human rights, and environmental management, aiming to promote transparency, improve mining practices, and support positive legacies for communities and ecosystems.
27 June 2018

Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)

Government Sponsored / Multilateral Organisations
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is a global partnership working to reduce short-lived climate pollutants like methane, black carbon, and HFCs. By focusing on key sectors, CCAC promotes strategies that simultaneously improve air quality and combat climate change. Explore their initiatives to support sustainable development and climate resilience.
1 research item

Conflict sensitivity in projects: Practical measures for private sector clients

The World Bank
This report provides practical measures for private sector clients to incorporate conflict sensitivity in their projects. It emphasises the importance of understanding and managing conflict risks to avoid exacerbating violence, promote social cohesion, and enhance investment resilience in fragile and conflict-affected environments.
1 March 2023

ASIC’s Indigenous Financial Services Framework: Driving change to support First Nations peoples to achieve and experience positive financial outcomes

Australian Securities and Investments Commission
This framework supports First Nations peoples in achieving positive financial outcomes. Developed through extensive consultations, the Framework includes guiding principles, key learnings, and engagement strategies with stakeholders. It aims to improve financial access and wellbeing for First Nations communities through culturally appropriate and inclusive practices, fostering collaboration across sectors.
9 February 2023

BCCM's national mutual economy reports

Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)
This annual report provides comprehensive analysis of the economic and social contributions of Australia's co-operatives and mutual enterprises (CMEs). It highlights the financial performance of the top 100 CMEs, discusses their impact on both national and international economies, and includes case studies.
17 June 2024

Indigenous rights and financial institutions: Free, prior and informed consent, just transition and emerging practice

This report examines the importance of Indigenous Peoples’ rights in finance, focusing on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). It discusses challenges in implementing FPIC, such as differing views on indigeneity, determining adequate FPIC, poor information, and power imbalances. It concludes with the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships.
6 July 2023

An introduction to responsible investment: Biodiversity for asset owners

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
This introductory guide for asset owners explores the financial risks and opportunities associated with biodiversity loss. It explains the relevance of biodiversity to investment processes and outlines how asset owners can incorporate biodiversity considerations into their responsible investment policies, stewardship practices, and disclosures.
9 April 2024


Finance / Corporate Focused NGOs & Think Tanks
Future Focus is an organisation dedicated to fostering sustainable development and innovation. They offer comprehensive research, insights, and solutions to address global challenges. With a focus on education, environment, and community, Future Focus aims to drive positive change and support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through impactful initiatives and collaborations.
1 research item

Respecting Indigenous rights: An actionable due diligence toolkit for institutional investors

Amazon Watch
This toolkit offers practical guidance for investors to respect Indigenous rights. It covers understanding and incorporating these rights into investment policies, assessing and addressing impacts, and ensuring Free, Prior, and Informed Consent. This toolkit aims to mitigate risks and uphold international human rights standards.
26 April 2023

Broadening the spectrum of investing: Opportunities and demand for investing in LGBTQ+ equity and inclusion

Morgan Stanley
The report emphasises increasing demand for LGBTQ+ equity and inclusion investments in the US, particularly among investors born after 1980. Nearly half of US investors seek such opportunities, but there's a shortage of investment options catering to this demand. Asset managers could profit by developing products targeting LGBTQ+ equity and inclusion.
27 June 2023

Equitable Origin

Issue Focused NGOs & Think Tanks
Equitable Origin (EO) is a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing responsible resource management. Through rigorous standards and certification processes, EO promotes sustainable practices in the energy, mining, and agricultural sectors. Their focus on equitable and environmentally friendly operations ensures a balance between economic development and environmental conservation.
1 research item

Heritage Chairs and Officials of Australia and New Zealand

Government Organisations & Departments
The Heritage Chairs and Officials of Australia and New Zealand (HCOANZ) is a collaborative network dedicated to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage in both countries. Their mission involves sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices among heritage professionals to ensure the safeguarding of historical sites and artifacts for future generations.
1 research item

Financing our future: Actions to scale up and accelerate the pace of change towards a more sustainable financial system

Accounting for Sustainability (A4S)
This report offers actionable recommendations to the world's finance sector. This report presents evidence on the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and outlines key actions for finance actors across numerous industries to advance toward a sustainable financial system.
7 December 2018

Experimental evidence for tipping points in social convention

This study shows the theoretical and empirical existence of a tipping point for changing social conventions. Minority groups can overturn established behaviour by reaching a critical mass, expected to vary depending on social setting. The findings offer insight for organizations with potential shifts in conventional behaviour.
8 June 2018

Renewables and business: Cutting prices and pollution

Climate Council of Australia
This report shows how investment in renewable energy can reduce exposure to volatile electricity prices and future price hikes. Over 46,000 businesses have already invested in large solar installations, and 40% of businesses are considering similar initiatives. Local and State Governments are also supporting business investment in clean, affordable and reliable renewable energy.
10 May 2018

Navigating a new era of business and human rights

Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
This book highlights the intersection of corporate practices and human rights. It explores evolving challenges, regulatory landscapes, and the importance of collaborative, ethical business conduct. Key themes include transparency, state roles, and the human rights-based approach, offering insights for stakeholders to navigate this complex field.
7 August 2019
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