Library | ESG issues
Sustainable Design
38 results
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Biodiversity in the balance: Hedging portfolio risks
The report illustrates increased NGO reporting, land use, and biodiversity incidents linked to industrial firms. With 31% of companies having no official management initiatives, investors are eager to address portfolio risks from biodiversity loss and deforestation. The report connects land use and biodiversity controversies with various risks, including operational, credit, market, physical, and systemic.
Resilience: Regenerative City Living Lab (Victoria University)
The Victoria University Resilience and Regenerative City Living Lab (VU RISE) focuses on urban sustainability, resilience, and regeneration. Through collaborative research and community engagement, VU RISE addresses challenges in urban environments, fostering innovation for sustainable city living.
Change finance, not the climate
This is a comprehensive and practical handbook by Transnational Institute and Institute for Policy Studies. This report outlines how to democratically marshal financial resources for a Global Green New Deal and to green the financial institutions by focusing on central banking, private banks, and financial markets towards tackling climate chaos.
200 and counting: Global financial institutions are exiting coal
Financial institutions (FI) across the world are increasingly recognising the risks and opportunities connected to coal, and many are reducing their exposure to the industry. The number of FIs withdrawing from coal is rapidly increasing, and this report catalogues the global trend towards coal withdrawal.
Financing our future: Actions to scale up and accelerate the pace of change towards a more sustainable financial system
This report offers actionable recommendations to the world's finance sector. This report presents evidence on the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and outlines key actions for finance actors across numerous industries to advance toward a sustainable financial system.
Environmental sciences, sustainable development and circular economy: Alternative concepts for trans-disciplinary research
This report discusses the challenges and opportunities of trans-disciplinary research in environmental sciences. It explores three alternative environmental concepts: "environmental sciences", "sustainable development", and the increasingly popular "circular economy". The article clarifies their meaning and inter-relationship, helping trans-disciplinary researchers to understand the opportunities and challenges of each.
Five insights for avoiding global collapse: What a 50-year-old model of the world taught me about a way forward for us today
This book analyses a 50-year-old model of the world to provide five insights for avoiding global collapse. The book examines societal pressures, the role of technology, governance structures, and finance that contribute to earth's ecosystem health and sustenance."
Innovation and resilience: A global snapshot of social enterprise responses to Covid-19
This report offers a global overview of social enterprise responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. It identifies innovation and agility as critical factors for survival. However, it notes that women-led and youth-led social enterprises face higher closure rates, greater reductions in activity, and more limited access to government support.
Global compact local networks: Accelerating national SDG implementation
The report emphasizes the role of responsible business in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and highlights the importance of local networks in mobilizing a global movement of companies committed to advancing the SDGs through capacity-building, awareness-raising, and collaboration.
The good transition plan: Climate action strategy development guidance for banks and lending institutions: COP26-version
This guide is designed for banks and lending institutions to assist in the creation of a climate action strategy. The report analyses the challenges and solutions to financing transitions towards a climate-safe world, outlining a comprehensive seven-element framework, key tools for measuring alignment with Paris Goals, and numerous sector guidelines.
Business of peace: The private sector as a partner in conflict prevention and resolution
This report explores how multinational corporations can support conflict prevention and resolution. It emphasizes the cost of conflict to corporate operations and reputation, identifies opportunities for corporate leadership, and provides case studies of how some corporations work with local governments, NGOs, and social entrepreneurs.
Study on sustainability - related ratings, data and research
This study on sustainability-related ratings, data and research seeks to explore the sustainability data landscape and the issues related to the assessment and evaluation of sustainability performance. It examines various sustainability-related rating systems, methodologies, and data providers, with insights from asset managers, asset owners, and benchmark administrators.
Making change: What works?
This paper investigates to understand what makes social movements successful in creating change. The report concludes that having more and better evidence is crucial to encourage change, but evidence alone will not secure change. Instead, social movements must change the hearts and minds of the public and increase the power of those who stand to benefit from change.
Who cares wins: Connecting financial markets to a changing world
The report outlines recommendations by leading financial institutions for integrating environmental, social, and governance factors in financial analysis and investment decisions. Produced under the auspices of the United Nations Global Compact, this report reflects the commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable development by twenty endorsing institutions.
Primer on climate change: Directors’ duties and disclosure obligations
This report provides an overview of contemporary evidence that climate change presents foreseeable, and in many cases material, financial and systemic risks that affect corporations and their investors. It discusses general climate obligations, directors' duties, disclosure obligations, and advice to directors, emphasising the importance of embedding climate change in financial risk management, disclosure, and supervisory practices.
Future-fit business benchmark: Methodology guide
The Future-Fit Business Benchmark Methodology Guide provides a free tool to help companies pursue a vision of a flourishing future. With 23 break-even Goals, 24 positive pursuits, and complementary indicators, it offers science-based guidance on how to transform business operations, procurement practices, and products in pursuit of future-fitness.