Library | SASB Sustainability Sector

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117 results
SHOW: 16

Biodiversity credit markets: The role of law, regulation, and policy

This report explores legal, policy, and regulatory frameworks to develop high-integrity biodiversity credit markets. These markets aim to finance nature-positive and equitable outcomes, providing innovative and scalable funding for biodiversity conservation and restoration. This report provides investors with insights into the legal and regulatory foundations that support high quality offset markets. As such, this report can be used as a tool to inform policy advocacy in the biodiversity credit market space.
3 May 2023

Engaging affected stakeholders: The emerging duties of board members

World Economic Forum
This report provides guidance for corporate boards on effectively engaging stakeholders to uphold human rights. It outlines strategies for meaningful engagement, addressing stakeholder concerns, and integrating human rights considerations into corporate governance and decision-making processes.
11 May 2022

The state of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ lands and territories

World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund – WWF)
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current status and challenges faced by Indigenous peoples and local communities in managing their lands and territories. It highlights the importance of these lands for biodiversity conservation, climate resilience, and cultural heritage. This report supports investors in integrating biodiversity into investment decision-making by providing crucial insights into the stewardship of Indigenous lands. It informs engagement and stewardship activities with corporations, and, through the provision of data about the importance of these lands for the provision of ecosystem services, aids in assessing biodiversity impacts and dependencies, and highlights the importance of sustainable land management.
3 June 2021

Following the money: Financial services' links to deforestation and forest degradation in Australia

Ernst & Young (EY)
This report examines the financial flows that drive deforestation and environmental degradation in Australia. It tracks investments and funding sources linked to activities that impact the environment, providing transparency and accountability. The report aims to inform stakeholders, including policymakers, investors, and the public, about the financial drivers of environmental harm and promote responsible investment practices.
15 August 2023

Australia's State of the Environment 2021

Australian Government
This website hosts the Australia State of the Environment Report, which provides comprehensive assessments of the condition of Australia's environment. The report covers various themes, including biodiversity, land, inland water, coasts, marine environment, atmosphere, and heritage. It offers valuable insights into environmental trends, pressures, and management actions, supporting informed policy and decision-making for sustainable development.
Online tool/database

Recommendations toward the development of scenarios for assessing nature-related economic and financial risks

Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System
This technical document on nature scenarios develops a rationale for the necessity of such scenarios. It then sets out a step-wise approach to the design of such scenarios, as well as some preliminary considerations on the challenges linked to the design of nature scenarios and the potential benefits that overcoming those challenges could present for scenario design at large. This report offers investors recommendations for incorporating nature-related scenarios into financial risk assessments, helping to evaluate the potential impacts of biodiversity loss on financial stability.
20 December 2023

Nature finance focus: Tracking global trends in nature investment

This report discusses results of a global Investor Nature Survey to understand what is motivating their work, where they see risk and opportunity, and how the investment footprint on nature is evolving today. This report provides investors with an overview of the latest trends and opportunities in nature finance, highlighting innovative financial instruments and investment strategies for supporting biodiversity.
30 September 2023

Act now! The why and how of biodiversity integration by financial institutions

Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
This is an operational guide bringing together information that financial institutions need to be aware of when embarking on the process of biodiversity integration. It includes information on what other financial institutions are doing, regulations and policies, relevant scientific insights, and developments in the field of biodiversity measurement approaches. This guide aims to support all financial institutions in integrating biodiversity in their decision-making irrespective of their level of maturity on biodiversity.
10 December 2022

Beyond 'business as usual': Biodiversity targets and finance - Managing biodiversity risks across business sectors

United Nations Environment Programme
This report aims to enable a better understanding of the business sectors and financial mechanisms a risk from biodiversity destruction and lay the ground-work for target setting by the finance sector. It also supports investors in understanding the broader economic implications of biodiversity loss, offering insights and recommendations for integrating biodiversity into business and investment strategies.
30 June 2020

Top 10 biodiversity-impact ranking of company industries

Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
This briefing paper employs four biodiversity impact measurement tools to provide biodiversity footprint scores of high-impact sectors and industries. It also provides investors with a ranking of companies based on their biodiversity impacts, helping identify high-impact areas and prioritise engagement and investment strategies.
12 April 2023

Biodiversity in the balance: How nature poses investment risk and opportunity

The white paper summarises and presents key information about biodiversity risks and opportunities for investors, drawing from prominent publications by a range of international agencies. The paper re-produces popular charts from papers such as the Millennial Ecosystem Assessment, WEF Nature Risk report series, and the WEF Global Risk Report to highlight the key investment/business case for biodiversity.
11 January 2024

Biodiversity measurement approaches: A practitioner's guide for financial institutions (4th edition)

Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of tools and methodologies for financial institutions to assess biodiversity impacts and dependencies. It includes practical recommendations, evaluations of twelve tools, case studies, and guidance on marine biodiversity. The guide supports nature-related risk management, aligning with frameworks like TNFD and EU Biodiversity standards.
15 November 2024

Finance for biodiversity: Guide on engagement with companies

Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
This guide is designed to support financial institutions that are looking for ways to engage with companies on biodiversity related issues. The guide includes practical information on engagement scope and approaches, collaborative engagements to join, guidelines for engagement, and how to escalate from engagement to voting.
30 April 2022

Exploring nature impacts and dependencies: A field guide to eight key sectors

This field guide helps investors identify and assess nature-related impacts and dependencies across eight key sectors. It provides sector-specific insights and strategies for integrating nature considerations into investment decisions.
26 March 2024

Accountability for nature: Comparison of nature-related assessment and disclosure frameworks and standards

World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund – WWF)
This report provides an overview of the key methodological and conceptual trends among the private sector assessment and disclosure approaches on nature-related issues. It provides comparative research on seven leading standards, frameworks and systems for assessment and disclosure on nature-related issues
31 January 2024

Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas

World Resources Institute
Aqueduct's global water risk mapping tool helps companies, investors, governments, and other users understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide. The Atlas uses a robust, peer reviewed methodology and the best-available data to create high-resolution, customizable global maps of water risk.
Online tool/database
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