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Costa Rica
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Investors, environmental, social and governance approaches and human rights - Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises
The report clarifies the responsibilities of investors regarding human rights under the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It highlights how investors can align their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) approaches with these responsibilities, emphasising the integration of human rights considerations in ESG criteria to support sustainable and ethical investment practices.
Change finance, not the climate
This is a comprehensive and practical handbook by Transnational Institute and Institute for Policy Studies. This report outlines how to democratically marshal financial resources for a Global Green New Deal and to green the financial institutions by focusing on central banking, private banks, and financial markets towards tackling climate chaos.
The changing climate policy landscape: Considerations for policymakers and the needs of investors
This report outlines eight key features of effective global climate policies. It analyses how different approaches to policy design shape capital markets' responses. The report also calls on governments to create policies with clear short, medium, and long-term targets that provide the right incentives and ensure a just transition.
Five insights for avoiding global collapse: What a 50-year-old model of the world taught me about a way forward for us today
This book analyses a 50-year-old model of the world to provide five insights for avoiding global collapse. The book examines societal pressures, the role of technology, governance structures, and finance that contribute to earth's ecosystem health and sustenance."
Time to accelerate: Capital mobilisation for the SDGs in emerging markets
This progress report details two years of capital mobilisation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in emerging markets. It highlights the need for government and private investors to take action if the SDG financing gap is to be closed, and outlines strategies for scaling private investment and reducing investment risks.
Moving mountains: Unlocking private capital for biodiversity and ecosystems
The Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) seeks to expand private sector contribution and collaboration in biodiversity conservation by developing this guide to assist their understanding of biodiversity and role of private capital in sustainability. This guide aims to assist the private sector in developing finance solutions for biodiversity conservation and finance.
Global microscope 2020: The role of financial inclusion in the COVID-19 response
This report is a study of the enabling environment for financial inclusion in 55 low to middle income countries. It focuses on the role of financial inclusion in terms of how governments in those countries responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Global progress report of the Sustainable Banking Network: Innovations in policy and industry actions in emerging markets - October 2019
This report discusses progress made by emerging market financial sector regulatory agencies and the financial institutions they supervise, with respect to the advancement of sustainable finance in those markets. The report identifies key components for a national sustainable financial framework and the steps needed to implement it in emerging markets.
Worldwide investments in cluster munitions: A shared responsibility
A 2018 report on worldwide investments in harmful cluster munitions. Two arms manufacturers recently ended production of cluster munitions, and more financial institutions and states are acting to end money going to producers. Despite declining investment from financial institutions, there are seven companies in the report still manufacturing.