About | Thomas Krieger
Thomas Krieger
Currently in penultimate year of a Bachelor of Economics degree with a major in Finance, at the University of Technology Sydney. I hold interests in many aspects of the financial world, particularly investment portfolios, behavioural finance and risk management.
Measuring the economic impact of short-termism
Measures corporate long- and short-termism systematically. Assesses and quantifies the effects of each approach on corporate financial performance and microeconomic growth. Findings show that long-term approaches outperform short-term companies on key economic and financial metrics.
Internal displacement from January to June 2019
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre's (IDMC) findings reveal the most significant displacements associated with conflict, violence and disasters around the world between January - June 2019. The report gives an insightful gauge of global displacements, 7.8 million triggered by disasters and 3.8 million by conflict and violence.
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre provides high-quality data, analysis and expertise on internal displacement. Their objective is to advise on policy and operational decisions that can improve the quality of life for internally displaced people and reduce the risk of future displacement worldwide.
Women's empowerment principles: Equality means business
The UN Women and United Nations Global Compact's collaboration provides a framework of principles for businesses to integrate gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community. The report highlights that women's empowerment will have a positive effect on business success and society.
UN Women: United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
UN Women are an entity established by the United Nations to address issues pertaining to female gender inequalities. The entity is responsible for promoting women's empowerment and gender equality and was founded to accelerate progress to meet the needs of women and girls worldwide.
Bloomberg L.P.
Bloomberg L.P is a privately held financial, software, data, and media company headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Founded in 1981, its growth into a globally recognised icon can be attributed to the success of its data analytics and information-delivery service, Bloomberg Terminal.
Seafood sourcing risk in Asia: 2016
Asia Research and Engagement’s research lists the current sustainability risks pertaining to the seafood industry and responses from retailers and hotels. It builds a case for the retailers, hotels and restaurants operating in seafood supply across Asia to increase their focus on their supply chain risks and take the necessary steps to manage them.
Sustainable signals: Growth and opportunity in asset management
Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing and Bloomberg L.P. report highlights how sustainable investing has transformed from a given fiduciary duty into a strategic business imperative in the financial markets. Asset managers in the U.S. perceive this shifting investment landscape as a new opportunity to create increasingly competitive returns and more productive portfolios in the coming years.
Active ownership 2.0: The evolution stewardship urgently needs
Active Ownership 2.0 is a proposed aspirational standard for improved stewardship. It builds on existing practice and expertise but explicitly prioritises the seeking of outcomes over process and activity, and common goals and effort over narrow interests. This paper sets out the case for change and a high-level framework for what the standard could involve.
Protecting our best interests: Rediscovering fiduciary obligation
ShareAction (formerly FairPensions) report on the fiduciary obligations of different types of investors, exploring how the interpretation of this relationship has shifted from its traditional meaning. A detailed analysis concludes with recommendations for government departments, regulators and investors, to ensure that fiduciary principles are indeed protecting beneficiaries.
Vivid Economics
Vivid Economics is a global management consultancy firm, providing expertise in critical and complex policy and commercial questions facing clients around the world. Using big data and the latest economic methods, they are able to provide dynamic online tools to support planning and investment decisions.
The Inevitable Policy Response: Preparing financial markets for climate-related policy/regulatory risks
The Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) is a project to prepare investors for the investment risks associated with the most likely responses to climate change. The likely impacts of climate change and mechanisms in the Paris Agreement are likely to force substantial policy introduction in the near future with investment implications.
Energy Transition Advisors
Energy Transition Advisors provide advisory and consulting services on energy markets to both the not-for-profit sector and for-profit sector. Their work aims to capture the transition away from fossil fuels towards more sustainable sources of energy.
ShareAction, formally known as FairPensions, is a charity focused on propelling a shift towards responsible investment. Their vision entails transforming the investment system into one that better serves savers, society and the environment.
From risk to resilience: Engaging with corporates to build adaptive capacity
This report outlines how investors can identify whether certain companies are at a heightened risk as a result of extreme weather events. Additionally, it addresses how communications between corporate companies and investors can mitigate these risks and respond accordingly, thus promoting better adaptability to the financial risks of climate change.
Why do we invest ethically?
This report looks at investor behaviour, and contends that investors no longer behave in the “rational” fashion that traditional finance theory assumes. Studying the desire to invest ethically challenges the relevance of traditional finance theory, and helps improve our understanding of ethical investor behaviour.