Library | SDGs
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
152 results
SHOW: 16
The real effects of supply chain transparency regulation – Evidence from Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act
Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires firms to disclose if they source conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The report shows that increased public attention leads to responsible sourcing, which mitigates conflicts in mining regions. Certified smelters play a key role in these efforts.
The ITSCI laundromat: How a due diligence scheme appears to launder conflict minerals
This report investigates how the International Tin Supply Chain Initiative (ITSCI) allegedly launders conflict minerals from mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It highlights serious failings in the traceability system, enabling smuggling, militia involvement, and child labour in the mineral trade. Recommendations include structural reforms and stricter enforcement by governments and companies.
Material insights
Material Insights is a tool to help companies and stakeholders manage environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks in mineral supply chains. It provides data-driven insights on specific minerals, supporting responsible sourcing and sustainability efforts in the raw materials sector.
Evaluating due diligence programs for conflict minerals: A matched analysis of 3T mines in eastern DRC
This report evaluates the impact of due diligence programs (DDP) on 3T mines (tin, tantalum, and tungsten) in Eastern DRC. It finds reductions in interference by armed forces, increased state presence, but no significant changes in child labour rates. Economic improvements are noted, but DDP does not eliminate all mining-related harms.
Practical guide to minerals due diligence implementation
This guide provides practical steps for companies to implement due diligence in their mineral supply chains, aligning with OECD, SEC, and EU regulations. It focuses on establishing strong management systems, identifying and mitigating supply chain risks, and ensuring compliance with responsible sourcing standards to prevent human rights abuses and support ethical mineral sourcing practices.
How the oil industry has sustained market dominance through policy influence
The report details how the oil and gas industry has systematically opposed renewable energy and electric vehicles through a long-standing narrative playbook. This opposition has hindered the global energy transition, contributing significantly to continued high emissions and delaying critical climate action.
RAPID institutional investor guidance framework for the elimination of child labour in supply chains
This framework provides investors with actionable strategies to integrate child labour considerations into their investment processes. It outlines key human rights metrics, emphasising the importance of rigorous data and engagement to drive effective corporate accountability in eliminating child labour.
Addressing child labour: A guide for the private sector
This guide from the UN Global Compact Network UK offers businesses actionable strategies to eradicate child labour from global supply chains. It outlines the business case for tackling child labour, defines key concepts, and provides concrete steps for prevention, mitigation, and remediation. The guide emphasises the importance of policy commitment, supply chain oversight, and collaboration with stakeholders.
Conflict sensitivity in projects: Practical measures for private sector clients
This report provides practical measures for private sector clients to incorporate conflict sensitivity in their projects. It emphasises the importance of understanding and managing conflict risks to avoid exacerbating violence, promote social cohesion, and enhance investment resilience in fragile and conflict-affected environments.
Asia in focus: ESG investing and the business and human rights agenda
The report examines the state of ESG investment in Asia, highlighting the challenges and opportunities faced by investors, regulators, and companies. It explores the rise of ESG funds, active ownership, sustainable bonds, and the evolving regulatory landscape.
Resource Centre digital platform (BHRRC)
The resource Centre digital platform by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC) monitors companies on news and allegations of human rights issues. It helps finance professionals assess corporate performance on human rights, providing insights into risks and compliance. The platform offers up-to-date data on human rights practices across various industries.
Transparency in supply chains etc: A practical guide
This report provides updated guidance on compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It outlines requirements for businesses to produce annual statements detailing steps to prevent modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. The guide includes advice on statement structure, approval, publication, and responses to modern slavery incidents.
Investors, ESG and Human rights
This report by the UN Working Group examines how investors use ESG and sustainability approaches globally, highlighting the need for regulatory standards and integration of human rights. It provides key findings and recommendations for states, investors, and other stakeholders to align practices with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Investors, environmental, social and governance approaches and human rights - Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises
The report clarifies the responsibilities of investors regarding human rights under the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It highlights how investors can align their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) approaches with these responsibilities, emphasising the integration of human rights considerations in ESG criteria to support sustainable and ethical investment practices.
An introduction to responsible investment: Human rights for asset owners
This guide by PRI summarises human rights relevance for asset owners, offering strategies for policy, governance, stewardship, and disclosure. It includes case studies, international standards, and practical resources to promote human rights in the financial system.
Tackling child labor: A guide for financial institutions
This guide offers banks and financial institutions a framework to address child labour within their clients' operations and value chains. It emphasises enhancing due diligence, improving client engagement, and participating in multi-stakeholder initiatives to mitigate child labour risks.