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8 results
SHOW: 16

Early warning systems and early action in fragile, conflict-affected and violent contexts: Addressing growing climate and disaster risks

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDDR)
The report explores the implementation of early warning systems (EWS) in fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) contexts, emphasising climate and disaster risk management. It identifies key challenges like limited governance and data availability, proposes governance coordination, regional cooperation, and technology integration as solutions, and advocates for conflict-sensitive and community-based approaches to build resilience and save lives.
30 September 2024

Refugee-related investments: Myth or reality?

The World Bank
This report examines the current state of refugee-related investment, a subset of impact investing focused on companies benefiting forcibly displaced people. It discusses the need for sustainable solutions for refugees' economic inclusion, the challenges faced by this nascent field, and recommendations for governments, development partners, and private sector actors to accelerate refugees' social and economic inclusion while benefiting host countries.
27 September 2023

Human rights and climate change: A guide for institutional investors

Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler International (KPMG International)
This guide examines the relationship between climate change and human rights. It highlights the responsibilities of institutional investors to recognise and act on climate-related human rights risks. It also identifies crucial areas of risk for investors and provides an action plan to support investors to integrate the management of climate-related human rights risks into their existing frameworks.
9 December 2021

Anticipatory finance: An introductory guide

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDDR)
This introductory guide explores anticipatory finance, a funding mechanism released before predicted disasters to reduce humanitarian impact. It explains anticipatory action (AA), details potential finance sources (e.g. donor funds, government budgets, insurance), and presents real-world examples, challenges, and recommendations for implementation.
22 April 2024

Financial crimes and land conversion: Uncovering risk for financial institutions

World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund – WWF)
This report outlines the risks financial institutions face due to land conversion and related financial crimes. It emphasises the convergence of land conversion with crimes like money laundering and corruption, highlighting the need for robust due diligence and risk assessment. It introduces an Environmental Crimes Financial Toolkit to aid institutions in mitigating these risks.
22 April 2024

A guide to SDG interactions: From science to implementation

This report examines the nature of interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), underpinned by a framework for understanding sustainable development goal interactions. Policymakers, practitioners and scientists working on implementing SDGs are the intended audience for this report.
12 May 2017

Global assessment report on disaster risk reduction - our world at risk: Transforming governance for a resilient future

United Nations (UN)
The report explores the challenges faced in managing systemic risk, the complexity of decision-making in volatile situations and offers solutions for improving risk communication.
20 July 2022

Internal displacement from January to June 2019

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre's (IDMC) findings reveal the most significant displacements associated with conflict, violence and disasters around the world between January - June 2019. The report gives an insightful gauge of global displacements, 7.8 million triggered by disasters and 3.8 million by conflict and violence.
12 September 2019