Queensland social enterprise strategy
The Queensland Social Enterprise Strategy is a government initiative designed to drive economic and social growth through job creation, improved market access, and making connections in the social enterprise sector. The strategy highlights key areas of focus and outlines a range of actions to help Queensland social enterprises flourish.
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The strategy represents a focused approach to cultivating grass-roots movements that are increasingly seen around the world.
What are social enterprises?
Social enterprises are organisations that have a social purpose. They derive a substantial part of their revenue from trade and reinvest a significant portion of their profits to achieve their purpose. Such enterprises aim to address issues facing communities, society, and the environment.
Queensland social enterprise sector snapshot
A recent study found that Queensland has 229 social enterprises. Thirty-eight of these are only operated online, across 412 site locations, with 187 being single- or two-site operations and 12 being larger multi-site enterprises operating across 157 locations. The study notes the sector’s significant impact on certain industries, including health care and social assistance, administrative and support services.
Queensland profile
Social enterprises in Queensland are evenly spread throughout the state. The majority of these are across the more heavily populated areas, including the Greater Brisbane area, the Gold Coast, and the Sunshine Coast. The state’s social enterprises are largely small businesses with fewer than 20 employees, with the vast majority being classified as such.
What we have heard
The Jobs Queensland project initiatives has provided an understanding of the current challenges and opportunities in the social enterprise sector. This understanding was achieved through consultation, including a sector survey, regional forums, and case studies. Social enterprises face considerable difficulties, including navigating and responding to government sector procurement processes, a lack of business expertise, limited access to finance, and a lack of awareness of social enterprise sector activities.
Our vision
Ultimately, the Queensland Social Enterprise Strategy (QSES) presents a vision of a strong Queensland social enterprise sector that can create more jobs, increase employment among disadvantaged jobseekers, and deliver economic, social, and environmental benefits to Queensland’s communities. The QSES seeks to develop a better-connected ecosystem, particularly in regional Queensland.
Building capability and capacity
Enhancing the capability and capacity of social enterprises will contribute to creating a growing and sustainable sector, strengthening the social enterprise ecosystem, and boosting capacity to employ disadvantaged job seekers. Partnering with specialist organisations to deliver tailored programs that meet the sector’s unique needs will be critical to achieving these goals.
Innovative funding models
Social enterprises require a range of capital investment during different stages of their business lifecycle. Traditional sources of capital investment, like the traditional banking sector, often fall short. The QSES proposes collaborations with the sector and the private sector to develop innovative funding models that address the critical issue of limited access to finance during the startup phase.
Making connections
Making connections and raising awareness of social enterprises will support development and growth of the sector. fostering better cooperation in building a more connected ecosystem through partnerships. The Queensland Social Enterprise Council (QSEC) serves as the sector’s primary peak body and voice. Its activities revolve around promoting social enterprises’ economic and social value.