Library | ESG issues
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Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits
The Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement under the Convention on Biological Diversity, aiming to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources. It enhances legal certainty and transparency for providers and users of these resources, promoting sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity while respecting traditional knowledge and contributing to global environmental and development goals.
Unlocking the biodiversity-climate nexus - A practitioner's guide for financial institutions
This investor guide presents three steps that financial institutions can follow to use existing tools and datasets to screen investments for exposure to nature-related risks, taking into consideration the climate-nature nexus. The guide was written by financial institutions for financial institutions.
Nature strategy handbook: A practical guide for businesses
This guide was developed to support businesses and financial institutions to develop nature strategies, and contribute to nature positive. The guide follows four, high-level business actions outlined in ACT-D: Assess, Commit, Transform and Disclose.
Nature target setting framework for asset managers and asset owners
The framework seeks to create a shared understanding and common language for investors on target setting, while steering private financial flows in alignment with the mission of the Global Biodiversity Framework to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. It focuses on listed equity and corporate bonds.
Nature risk profile: A methodology for profiling nature related dependencies and impacts
The technical guideline outlines a methodology for how companies and investors can profile nature-related risks arising from dependencies and impacts of economic activities by combining nature data with data on the locations of companies' activities.
Insights into UNEP FI’s TNFD pilots: Insights into deep-dive UNEP FI pilots to ensure effective uptake of the final TNFD framework
This publication provides investors with insights from pilot projects supporting the TNFD framework. It highlights best practices and lessons learned for integrating nature-related financial disclosures into investment strategies, enhancing transparency and sustainability. It outlines the valuable insights gained and significant findings obtained from a global pilot project initiated by UNEP FI in conjunction with 20 financial institutions.
Guidelines for blue finance: Guidance for financing the blue economy, building on the Green Bond Principles and the Green Loan Principles
This guidance document aims to provide a list of eligible use of proceeds to support private investments aligned with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles and contributing to Goals 6 and 14 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals — “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all,” and “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” This document identifies eligible blue project categories to guide IFC’s investments to support the blue economy, in line with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles.
When the bee stings: Counting the cost of nature-related risks
In collaboration with the TNFD, and aligned with its newly released recommendations, BloombergNEF has examined 10 instances of companies suffering material financial losses, the threat of such losses and share price pressure from poorly handled interactions with nature. The case studies demonstrate the financial importance of a business understanding and managing its impacts and dependencies on the natural world.
Our commitment to nature: Supporting biodiversity and sustainable land use through engagement
This paper outlines Federated Hermes' expectations and engagement priorities for sectors characterised by having high biodiversity impacts and dependencies. These include consumer goods and retail, agrochemicals, mining and materials, oil and gas, utilities, real estate and construction, and finance.
Financing the nature-positive transition: Understanding the role of banks, investors and insurers
This CEO brief by the WEF focuses on the business case for nature, highlighting the importance of integrating nature into financial decision-making to achieve sustainable economic growth and biodiversity conservation.
How business and finance can contribute to a nature positive future now
This report provides an in-depth exploration of the term "nature positive" and its implications for business and finance. It aims to build a shared understanding and alignment on what nature positive means, offering insights and recommendations to drive meaningful action towards halting and reversing nature loss. This report is particularly valuable for investors as it clarifies the concept of "nature positive" and its relevance to investment strategies. It helps investors understand the risks and opportunities associated with nature loss and provides a framework for integrating nature-positive principles into investment decisions.
Biodiversity credit markets: The role of law, regulation, and policy
This report explores legal, policy, and regulatory frameworks to develop high-integrity biodiversity credit markets. These markets aim to finance nature-positive and equitable outcomes, providing innovative and scalable funding for biodiversity conservation and restoration. This report provides investors with insights into the legal and regulatory foundations that support high quality offset markets. As such, this report can be used as a tool to inform policy advocacy in the biodiversity credit market space.
Measuring what matters: An approach for natural capital investors
This report provides guidance on the consistent measurement of emissions reduction activities across agriculture and forestry assets. This report may assist investors in agriculture and forestry to screen investment strategies and hold asset managers and operators to account for emissions reduction. This may facilitate the flow of capital into replicable sustainable activities, allowing investors and financiers to compare projects more easily and prioritise investments according to their own sustainability goals.
Australia's State of the Environment 2021
This website hosts the Australia State of the Environment Report, which provides comprehensive assessments of the condition of Australia's environment. The report covers various themes, including biodiversity, land, inland water, coasts, marine environment, atmosphere, and heritage. It offers valuable insights into environmental trends, pressures, and management actions, supporting informed policy and decision-making for sustainable development.
Nature finance focus: Tracking global trends in nature investment
This report discusses results of a global Investor Nature Survey to understand what is motivating their work, where they see risk and opportunity, and how the investment footprint on nature is evolving today. This report provides investors with an overview of the latest trends and opportunities in nature finance, highlighting innovative financial instruments and investment strategies for supporting biodiversity.
Building a capital consortium for nature-positive investments
The report explores strategies to increase private sector investment in nature-positive projects. Using a capital continuum framework, it identifies barriers such as risk perception, funding gaps, and scalability challenges. Recommendations include development finance institution involvement, innovative funding models like DevCos, and strengthening voluntary carbon markets to provide price signals and liquidity.