Library | ESG issues

Planetary Boundaries

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27 results
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An introduction to key ecological concepts, financial opportunities, and risks underpinning aspirations for nature positive

The report introduces key ecological concepts critical to achieving a nature-positive future. It outlines the financial opportunities and risks involved, emphasising the need for collaboration between ecologists and business professionals to effectively implement nature-positive strategies. The report also highlights the challenges and complexities in aligning ecological goals with financial instruments.
31 July 2024

Regenerative development and design

The report explores the necessity and principles of regenerative development, aiming to create thriving living systems that evolve toward greater health and vitality. It emphasises aligning human actions with natural systems, integrating ancient wisdom with modern science, and fostering holistic, co-creative partnerships between people and the planet for sustainable and thriving futures.
13 June 2024

A new economy: Exploring the root causes of the polycrisis and the principles to unlock a sustainable future

Ernst & Young (EY)
The report examines the systemic flaws of the current economic model, highlighting ecological, social, and geoeconomic crises. It proposes transitioning to a regenerative economy based on principles of sufficiency, circularity, systems thinking, equity, and redefining value to achieve sustainable and equitable growth.
31 May 2024

Climate scorpion – the sting is in the tail: Introducing planetary solvency

Global Systems Institute (University of Exeter)
The report explores the risks and impact of climate change on a global scale. The report emphasises the need for a realistic risk assessment urgently and laying out a blueprint on developing a Planetary Solvency framework.
12 March 2024

Safe and just Earth system boundaries

This report sets safe and just Earth system boundaries (ESBs) for domains including climate, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and identifies sub-global ESBs for avoiding Earth system destabilization. Achieving these ESBs requires a systemic transformation across sectors and addressing drivers of Earth system change for a safe and just future.
31 May 2023

Climate endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios

This report explores the potential for worldwide societal collapse and human extinction due to anthropogenic climate change. It argues that this topic has not been given enough consideration despite existing evidence of catastrophic outcomes. The proposed research agenda seeks to understand the likelihood and mechanisms of such events and their implications for policy.
29 July 2022

Rethinking impact to finance the SDGs

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
This paper examines the financing gap for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and proposes new innovative solutions for stakeholders, including the need for stronger integrated planning, strategic thinking and policy integration to meet the US$5-7tn annual financing requirement.
8 November 2018

Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries

Six of nine planetary boundaries are exceeding safe thresholds, with ocean acidification and aerosol loading at tipping points. Maintaining functional biosphere integrity requires controlling human appropriation of net primary production. Earth system modelling illustrates the need to consider anthropogenic impacts on Earth in a systemic way.
9 September 2023

Reinventing capitalism: A transformation agenda

World Business Council for Sustainable Development
This issue brief by World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) explores the need for a reinvented capitalism that prioritises true value over value extraction. It examines the unsustainable outcomes of contemporary capitalism and presents a transformation agenda to help steer businesses towards a sustainable global economy.
10 November 2020

Creating city portraits: A methodological guide from The Thriving Cities Initiative

Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL)
This report introduces a practical approach to visualizing sustainable urban development. Based on the 'doughnut' concept, the guide provides insight into the holistic nature of thriving cities and acts as a transformative tool for policymakers.
8 July 2020

Summary for policymakers of the methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualisation of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services

This paper is on the diverse conceptualisations of multiple values of nature, its benefits, and the valuation of nature asserts that policymaking frequently ignores nature's assorted values, focusing on only a small subset, and details how diversity in valuation is salient but challenging.
9 July 2022

Global tipping points

Global Systems Institute (University of Exeter)
The 2023 report explores ways to prevent potentially irreversible changes to the Earth's natural systems and recommends coordinated global action and governance. It also highlights positive tipping points in technology, economics, and society that can aid a sustainable future.
5 December 2023

Nordic Sustainability

Commercial Organisations
Nordic Sustainability provides expert sustainability consulting services, aiding businesses in implementing environmentally responsible practices. With a focus on sustainable development, they offer tailored solutions to enhance corporate responsibility and reduce environmental impact.
2 research items


Global Canopy
ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) is a free, online tool that helps organisations explore their exposure to nature-related risk and take the first steps to understand their dependencies and impacts on nature.
Online tool/database

Achieving a nature- and people-positive future

This paper focuses on the discourse surrounding global conservation. It highlights the importance of recognising different responsibilities among actors and countries and calls for human-centred actions to ensure a safe and just future for all. It offers insights on introducing transformational elements to existing campaigns through the Earth System Justice Approach.
14 February 2023

Earth system justice needed to identify and live within Earth system boundaries

This article considers how to integrate principles of justice within Earth’s system boundaries, specifically for climate, the biosphere, water and nutrient cycles, and aerosols. Using the Earth system justice approach, it discusses living within planetary limits whilst minimising significant harm to all people and ensuring equitable access to resources.
19 June 2023
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