Library | ESG issues

Water Management

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76 results
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Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Government Sponsored / Multilateral Organisations
Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a global fund established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to support developing countries in tackling climate change. It provides financing for mitigation and adaptation projects, focusing on low-emission, climate-resilient development. Funded by governments, GCF plays a key role in international climate finance.

Building disaster- and climate-resilient infrastructure through public–private partnerships

Australian Government
The report discusses leveraging public–private partnerships (PPPs) to build disaster- and climate-resilient infrastructure in Southeast Asia, addressing funding gaps, enhancing regulatory frameworks, and integrating resilience measures. It highlights Australian practices, aligning climate, disaster, and inclusion goals for sustainable infrastructure development.
10 October 2024

Insights into UNEP FI’s TNFD pilots: Insights into deep-dive UNEP FI pilots to ensure effective uptake of the final TNFD framework

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
This publication provides investors with insights from pilot projects supporting the TNFD framework. It highlights best practices and lessons learned for integrating nature-related financial disclosures into investment strategies, enhancing transparency and sustainability. It outlines the valuable insights gained and significant findings obtained from a global pilot project initiated by UNEP FI in conjunction with 20 financial institutions.
1 December 2023

Handbook for the implementation of nature-based solutions for water security: Guidelines for designing an implementation and financing arrangement

This handbook offers operational advice and project preparation guidelines, including hands-on formats that project proponents can use continuously and iteratively to develop the entire business case of NbS, enabling them to go from the idea stage towards an investment proposal or investment project stage that can be effectively assessed by potential investors. To illustrate the use of these guidelines the handbook presents the results of their application to three cases in Europe within the NAIAD project and to one case in Asia that was part of the Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia programme.
13 March 2021

The hidden environmental cost of cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin mining impacts climate, water and land

United Nations (UN)
Bitcoin mining has significant environmental impacts, driven by its reliance on electricity-intensive processes. In 2020-2021, mining consumed 173 TWh of electricity, primarily from fossil fuels, and emitted 86 Mt CO2, contributing to climate change, water scarcity, and land use issues. Global regulatory action is urgently needed.
20 November 2023

Australia's State of the Environment 2021

Australian Government
This website hosts the Australia State of the Environment Report, which provides comprehensive assessments of the condition of Australia's environment. The report covers various themes, including biodiversity, land, inland water, coasts, marine environment, atmosphere, and heritage. It offers valuable insights into environmental trends, pressures, and management actions, supporting informed policy and decision-making for sustainable development.
Online tool/database

Exploring nature impacts and dependencies: A field guide to eight key sectors

This field guide helps investors identify and assess nature-related impacts and dependencies across eight key sectors. It provides sector-specific insights and strategies for integrating nature considerations into investment decisions.
26 March 2024

Aqueduct Country Risk Rating

World Resources Institute
This spatial tool shows countries and provinces' average exposure to six of the Aqueduct 3.0's water risk indicators: baseline water stress, riverine flood risk, and drought risk.
Online tool/database

Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas

World Resources Institute
Aqueduct's global water risk mapping tool helps companies, investors, governments, and other users understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide. The Atlas uses a robust, peer reviewed methodology and the best-available data to create high-resolution, customizable global maps of water risk.
Online tool/database

CDP Water Watch Impact Index

The CDP's water watch impact index tool makes a qualitative assessment of impact on freshwater resources at different stages of the value chain, based on independent and trusted academic, scientific and industry-recognized sources. Its focus on environmental impact distinguishes it from tools that measure business risks posed by water.
Online tool/database

TNFD Tool Catalogue

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
Building on insights from the nature-related data catalyst, the TNFD has created a beta version of an online searchable Tools Catalogue, providing an overview of tools that organisations can use to apply to each phase of the LEAP approach. The catalogue will be continually updated.
Online tool/database

Investor water toolkit

Published by Ceres, this is a first ever comprehensive resource to evaluate and act on water risks in investment portfolios. This how to guide includes links to resources, databases, case studies and other tools for all investors to use.
10 April 2024

Net Environmental Contribution (NEC) metric

This tool measures the environmental impact of economic activity, company, or sector, to deliver a net contribution value on -100% to +100% scale, using physical data from across the value chain. It can be applied at company, portfolio, index, product/source levels. Includes qualitative and quantitative criteria on biodiversity.
Online tool/database

SBTN sector materiality tool

United Nations Environment Programme
The aim of the Sectoral Materiality Tool is to help users carry out a first screening of what types of environmental impact are potentially materially relevant to their sector and their company's activities, as part of Step 1a of the SBTN guidance.
Online tool/database

Eora global supply chain database

EORA is a global supply chain database that consists of a multi-region input output table (MIRO) model that provides a time series of high-resolution IO tables with matching environmental and social satellite accounts for 190 countries. EORA has particularly high granularity for Australia, whereas EXIOBASE is ideal for the European context.
Online tool/database

Adapt now: A global call for leadership on climate resilience

World Resources Institute
The report highlights the urgent need for global climate adaptation. It presents evidence and solutions across key sectors—food, water, infrastructure, cities, and finance—emphasising economic benefits, social equity, and environmental preservation. This call to action seeks transformative planning, finance mobilisation, and inclusive leadership for a resilient future.
14 September 2019
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