Library | SDGs
GOAL 06: Clean Water and Sanitation
23 results
SHOW: 16
Beyond an age of waste: Turning rubbish into a resource
The report highlights the urgent need to rethink waste as a resource. It emphasises the significance of reducing waste generation, improving waste management practices, and transitioning towards a circular economy to mitigate the environmental impacts of waste. The report presents scenarios for future waste management and advocates for global action to prevent a worsening waste crisis.
State of nature-related disclosures: Assessing TNFD alignment of nature-related disclosures by firms in high-risk sectors
The report evaluates the alignment of firms' nature-related disclosures with the TNFD framework. It covers eight priority sectors, highlighting disclosure gaps and providing recommendations for improvement to ensure comprehensive, high-quality nature-related reporting.
Transformational investment: Converting global systemic risks into sustainable returns
This report explores transformational investment while arguing that the global economy is under threat from long-term systemic risks. Rich Nuzum, President of Investments and Retirement at Mercer, called on institutional investors to help mitigate the risks through "long-term thinking" and "constructively tackling complicated problems".
The TNFD nature-related risk and opportunity management and disclosure framework: Beta v0.1 release
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has released a beta version of its Nature-related Risk and Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework. The framework aims to deliver a risk management and disclosure framework for organisations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks and opportunities.
Water risks and financial market: Overview and analysis
This report explores water risks and opportunities in the financial sector. It provides an overview of tools and approaches to assess water risks, identifies potential actions to align with international water goals, and calls for greater integration of water considerations into financial decision-making.
What Doughnut Economics means for business: Creating enterprises that are regenerative and distributive by design
This guide is intended for businesses and individuals who want to implement Doughnut Economics principles. It provides guidance on how to redesign a business through its strategic decisions and operations by focusing on purpose, networks governance, ownership and finance. The paper explores barriers and innovations to sustainable business design.
Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture
This report outlines strategies for the sustainable management of water resources in agriculture across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations. It provides policy and management recommendations to ensure water allocation in agriculture remains sustainable among economic, social and environmental demands.
Blueprint for business leadership on the SDGs: A principles-based approach
Business cannot thrive unless people and planet are thriving. This publication presents a framework for the next generation of business leadership with the intention to foster contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at scale.
Final report: Independent assessment of social and economic conditions in the Murray–Darling Basin
Commonly known as the 'Sefton report', it provides recommendations to the Australian government on the social and economic conditions of the Murray Darling Basin. The report provides an independent assessment in regional and rural communities while highlighting the positive and negative effects of water reform.
Waste and opportunity 2020: Searching for Corporate Leadership - 50 corporations ranked on plastic packaging pollution
The 2020 published report by As You Sow investigates 50 corporations and ranks them based on their performance in leadership and ambition relating to sustainable packaging of their products, while also taking into account their contributions and support to increase recycling rates and engage in producer responsibility efforts.
In pursuit of deep impact and market-rate returns: KL Felicitas Foundation's journey
The report is an update of NPC’s 2015 review of the KL Felicitas Foundation, Investing for impact: Practical tools, lessons, and results. It explores how the KL Felicitas Foundation’s impact investing portfolio balances social impact with financial return.
Scaling finance for the Sustainable Development Goals
Explores the role of corporate partnerships and financial intermediaries that can scale finance and increase capital and activities in regions that are key for the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through case studies, it illustrates various pathways for capital markets to maximise SDG investments at acceptable risk levels.
SDG Industry Matrix: Healthcare and life sciences
Compiled by the UN Global Compact and KPMG, the SDG Industry Matrixes focus on the opportunities, principle-based initiatives, and opportunities for collaboration across seven sectors. This matrix applies to companies and initiatives in the healthcare and life sciences sector, highlighting the nexus between sustainability and value.
States of the apes: The impact of infrastructure development on biodiversity
The impact of infrastructure projects on biodiversity are examined, using apes to illustrate how investors can contribute to biodiversity protection. A sustainable approach to infrastructure development, which mitigates environmental, financial and reputational risks of investment, is presented.
Poverty Footprint
The Poverty Footprint is a tool that enables companies and partners to implement a people-centred assessment of corporate impacts on poverty. The report is used to better understand the impacts of operations and value chain on people and poverty, and to turn this learning into action.
SDG Industry Matrix: Energy, natural resources and chemicals
The Industry Matrix aims to inspire and inform the private sector, driving it towards inclusiveness and sustainable prosperity by identifying opportunities for greater social and environmental change. This Matrix applies to industries involved in energy, natural resources and chemicals, outlining ways that companies can create value for shareholders as well as society.