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GOAL 14: Life Below Water
42 results
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Nature-positive strategy: Practical guidance for corporates
This practical guidance report provides a principles-based approach that equips corporates with an understanding of the value of nature, identifies key frameworks, and encourages a call to action. It suggests implementing “no regrets” actions for risk mitigation while progressing work on key frameworks. It further recognises that taking actions now will create business value.
Investing in nature: Opportunities for institutional investors
This guide aims to assist institutional investors in navigating the evolving landscape of nature-based finance. It offers practical insights into various investment opportunities, showcasing case studies that exemplify best practices and innovative approaches in nature investments.
Biodiversity finance as a technology of power: Discourses of innovation and regulation in an Australian case study
This research paper merges innovation and regulation, commodifying nature through tradeable biodiversity units. This study explores how financialisation shapes conservation policies, highlighting tensions between market-driven solutions and regulatory frameworks, and the complex power dynamics involved in biodiversity finance.
Global survey of nature risk management at financial firms 2024: A discipline in its infancy
The survey highlights the nascent stage of nature risk management in financial institutions. It covers governance, strategy, risk management, metrics, scenario analysis, and disclosures. The survey reveals low maturity levels but underscores the importance of integrating nature risks into financial practices to enhance resilience and sustainability.
Bankrolling ecosystem destruction: The EU must stop the cash flow to businesses destroying nature
The report analysed the financial flows of 135 companies in ecosystem risk sectors and found that 22.1% (US$278b) of credit and 9.4% (US$65b) of investment came from EU-based financial institutions from 2015 to 2023. The report recommends that EU regulation should align finance with global environmental targets to prevent financial flows from contributing to ecosystem destruction.
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries
Six of nine planetary boundaries are exceeding safe thresholds, with ocean acidification and aerosol loading at tipping points. Maintaining functional biosphere integrity requires controlling human appropriation of net primary production. Earth system modelling illustrates the need to consider anthropogenic impacts on Earth in a systemic way.
Mapping ocean governance and regulation
This report provides an overview of ocean governance and regulations through the lenses of ocean-based industries, addressing international governance, key industries, emerging issues and regulatory developments, cross-cutting challenges and the role of the private sector through the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business.
Point of no return 2023: Part IV: Climate and biodiversity
This report assesses the climate and biodiversity policies and practices of 77 of the world’s largest asset managers, who collectively hold over $77 trillion in assets. The report finds that asset managers need stronger and more comprehensive net-zero targets, consistent with limiting biodiversity loss, and a greater focus on climate scenario analysis.
Modern temperatures in central–north Greenland warmest in past millennium
Greenland's central and north regions have recorded their warmest temperatures in over a millennium. Scientific data showed that temperatures have risen by an average of 1.5 ± 0.4 degrees Celsius, which is above the range of pre-industrial temperature variability. The warming followed a long-term trend that is likely connected to anthropogenic effects.
Study on sustainability - related ratings, data and research
This study on sustainability-related ratings, data and research seeks to explore the sustainability data landscape and the issues related to the assessment and evaluation of sustainability performance. It examines various sustainability-related rating systems, methodologies, and data providers, with insights from asset managers, asset owners, and benchmark administrators.
Biodiversity loss and land degradation: An overview of the financial materiality
This report provides key insights into the materiality of biodiversity loss and land degradation with a focus on financial risks while reviewing the literature available. The report highlights biodiversity's prominent role in the economy, the major threats to biodiversity, the tools available to measure biodiversity's impact and outlines a typology for nature-related financial risks.
A guide to SDG interactions: From science to implementation
This report examines the nature of interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), underpinned by a framework for understanding sustainable development goal interactions. Policymakers, practitioners and scientists working on implementing SDGs are the intended audience for this report.
Industry influence on biodiversity policy: A pilot study demonstrating industry associations’ engagement on biodiversity-related policy and regulations
This report reveals that industry associations representing key sectors and some of the largest companies in the world are lobbying to delay, dilute, and block critically needed biodiversity policy in both the EU and US. The vast majority of engagement on specific policies and regulations is oppositional, seeking to roll back, weaken, or block policy.
The nature-based economy: How Australia’s prosperity depends on nature
This report highlights the link between nature and economic productivity in Australia. The report illustrates that approximately half of Australia’s GDP is directly dependent on specific ecosystem services derived from natural capital. The report sets out recommendations for action to halt and reverse the decline of nature in order to create a Nature Positive future.
Breaking the plastic wave: A comprehensive assessment of pathways towards stopping ocean plastic pollution
This report highlights innovative solutions and strategies that can reduce plastic pollution by 80% by transforming how plastic is produced, used, and managed. The report uses thorough analysis to identify specific opportunities for various stakeholders - from policymakers to businesses and consumers - to curb plastic waste and achieve measurable results.
Managing nature-related financial risks: A precautionary policy approach for central banks and financial supervisors
This research paper argues that central banks and financial supervisors must adopt a precautionary policy approach to address the increasing nature-related financial risks in both the real economy and the financial system. This approach should be integrated into a wider set of regulatory and policy instruments to tackle environmental breakdown.