Dhawura Ngilan - Business and investor initiative: A guide for businesses and investors
This report provides guidance for businesses and investors to respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage rights and implement environmental, social, and corporate governance principles. The Dhawura Ngilan (Remembering Country) vision is outlined and detailed recommendations for ethical investment practices are provided.
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This report presents guidance for businesses and investors to respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage rights and implement ESG principles. It outlines the vision of Dhawura Ngilan (Remembering Country), emphasising the importance of Indigenous cultural heritage, intellectual property, and data sovereignty.
ESG issues
Environmental, social, and corporate governance principles are discussed extensively, and it highlights the importance of safeguarding First Nations heritage in business practices. The report details the requirements for gaining Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) from Indigenous peoples before conducting any commercial activity that may impact their land, water, or air.
Businesses and investors are advised to align their operations and strategies with the six Dhawura Ngilan principles which are:
- Respect and self-determination
- Advocacy and leadership
- Collaboration and consent
- Truth and holistic heritage
- Caring for country and culture
- Market opportunities and ethical responsibilities
The report provides tailored guidance for businesses and investors to integrate cultural heritage considerations into decision-making, including during due diligence, assessing disclosures, corporate engagement, stewardship, and whether to buy, hold or sell an investment holding.
This report provides practical steps for businesses and investors to align their operations with Indigenous cultural heritage rights. By doing so, it demonstrates the intention and commitment to supporting First Nations-led standards for cultural heritage management in Australia. Investors should include cultural heritage considerations in their reporting systems and monitor companies’ behaviour against agreed-upon standards. These recommendations are crucial for investors and businesses to respect Indigenous peoples’ rights and prevent destruction of their cultural heritage.