Library | ESG issues
35 results
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Net Environmental Contribution (NEC) metric
This tool measures the environmental impact of economic activity, company, or sector, to deliver a net contribution value on -100% to +100% scale, using physical data from across the value chain. It can be applied at company, portfolio, index, product/source levels. Includes qualitative and quantitative criteria on biodiversity.
Environmental crimes financial toolkit
This toolkit is a practical resource for finance professionals, outlining key indicators, typologies, and red flags related to environmental crime. Designed to support risk management and due diligence, the toolkit assists in identifying and mitigating financial exposure to environmental crime.
Modern slavery and remediation - an investor's guide
This guide explores the role of investors in addressing modern slavery within their portfolios. It provides practical steps for identifying risks, engaging investee companies, and enabling remediation when harm occurs. It includes case studies, recommendations, and legal frameworks to help investors meet their obligations and protect human rights.
How cheap talk in climate disclosures relates to climate initiatives, corporate emissions, and reputation risk
The report examines the relationship between corporate climate disclosures, cheap talk, and actual climate initiatives. It highlights how voluntary disclosures often suffer from superficiality, while targeted climate actions reduce cheap talk. Findings suggest cheap talk correlates with higher emissions and reputation risks, offering insights into the credibility of climate commitments.
Financial crimes and land conversion: Uncovering risk for financial institutions
This report outlines the risks financial institutions face due to land conversion and related financial crimes. It emphasises the convergence of land conversion with crimes like money laundering and corruption, highlighting the need for robust due diligence and risk assessment. It introduces an Environmental Crimes Financial Toolkit to aid institutions in mitigating these risks.
Respecting Indigenous rights: An actionable due diligence toolkit for institutional investors
This toolkit offers practical guidance for investors to respect Indigenous rights. It covers understanding and incorporating these rights into investment policies, assessing and addressing impacts, and ensuring Free, Prior, and Informed Consent. This toolkit aims to mitigate risks and uphold international human rights standards.
Dhawura Ngilan - Business and investor initiative: A guide for businesses and investors
This report provides guidance for businesses and investors to respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage rights and implement environmental, social, and corporate governance principles. The Dhawura Ngilan (Remembering Country) vision is outlined and detailed recommendations for ethical investment practices are provided.
Defining social norms and related concepts
This report defines social norms as the perceived unwritten rules deemed acceptable and influential in guiding human behaviour within a community. Social norms can be beneficial or harmful and influence collective change. The report distinguishes injunctive norms, descriptive norms, moral norms, and attitudes to establish behaviour change interventions.
Insurance regulation for sustainable development: Protecting human rights against climate risks and natural hazards
This report argues that insurance regulation has a critical role to play in protecting human rights against climate risk and natural hazards. Among its recommendations, the report calls for the proper pricing of climate risks, broader coverage from insurance, and the alignment of investments with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We know our lives are in danger: Environment of fear in South Africa's mining-affected communities
This report highlights how mining has affected South African communities and examines the legal framework and community engagement procedures relating to mining activity. It discusses the impacts of mining on communities in terms of health, environment, livelihoods and social cohesion, as well as the high levels of violence in these communities.
Tobacco free portfolios: The toolkit 12th edition
This toolkit offers a framework for finance professionals to invest in tobacco-free portfolios. The toolkit covers various areas including the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge, prospective investment risks and case studies, with a call to action for the industry to follow.
Study on sustainability - related ratings, data and research
This study on sustainability-related ratings, data and research seeks to explore the sustainability data landscape and the issues related to the assessment and evaluation of sustainability performance. It examines various sustainability-related rating systems, methodologies, and data providers, with insights from asset managers, asset owners, and benchmark administrators.
Collision course: The risks companies face when their political spending and core values conflict, and how to address them
The paper warns companies that their political spending may put them at risk of reputational damage and possible backlash. Their report gives specific examples, and outlines recommendations and policies that allow businesses to align their core values with political expenditures, while developing safeguards to protect their reputations.
Financial crime compliance to fight modern slavery and human trafficking
This blueprint urges financial institutions to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery, suggesting that both are a financial crime and compliance risk, and warns against wholesale de-risking. This report outlines strategies for detecting financing of such illegal activities, reducing risk, and government action towards AML/CFT risk assessments, ahead of regulatory fines and sanctions in jurisdictions worldwide.
Business banking and start-up support for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking
The report highlights the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII), addressing the business banking and startup needs of survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking. It outlines efforts such as training, support, expert review, and the global Survivor Business Roundtable to enhance survivors' access to financial services.
Field guide to impact investing: For Australian charitable trusts and foundations
This is a comprehensive resource to help organisations make sustainable impact investing decisions. Covering everything from impact measurement to legal structuring, this guide contains expert insights and is designed to be an essential tool for the industry.