Land use finance impact hub
The hub hosts a collection of tools and guidance to help financial institutions harmonise environmental and social impact monitoring for sustainable land use finance.
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The Land Use Finance Impact Hub is a resource developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). It is designed for impact funds and other financial institutions focused on sustainable land use investments. The platform offers tools and guidance to enhance environmental and social frameworks in this sector.
A key feature is the Positive Impact Indicators Directory, which assists financial institutions in identifying and measuring the positive environmental and social impacts of their investments. This directory covers five priority impact areas: biodiversity, forests, climate action, sustainable production, and livelihoods and gender. It provides a curated list of indicators to harmonise monitoring and reporting across these areas.
The hub also offers webinars, info briefs, country factsheets, and training modules. These resources aim to support financial institutions in developing robust environmental and social impact management frameworks for land use investments. For example, the training modules cover topics such as responding to key environmental and social risks and demonstrating positive impacts in land use finance.
By providing these resources, the Land Use Finance Impact Hub helps finance professionals align their investment strategies with sustainable land use practices, ensuring that investments contribute positively to environmental and social outcomes.