Digital safety risk assessment in action: A framework and bank of case studies
This report contains a framework and case studies for digital safety risk assessment. The case studies cover topics such as trust and safety best practices, human rights due diligence, and child safety in gaming and immersive worlds.
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This report provides a comprehensive guide for conducting digital safety risk assessments. The report includes both a risk assessment framework and several case studies for a better understanding of how to address risks related to digital safety.
The report provides a robust and adaptable framework for digital safety risk assessment. A risk assessment tool is detailed providing information such as identification of stakeholders, conduction of research and scenario analysis, development and testing of recommendations, managing of outcomes, and communication of information. To ensure a more relevant and efficient risk assessment, the framework can be tailored based on the specifics of the business.
The case studies in this report give insight on digital safety issues plaguing different organisations and how they can be effectively managed. A few of the pertinent case studies in this report are:
Trust and safety best practices – DTSP framework
The DTSP (Digital Trust & Safety Partnership) is a collaboration of several technology companies aimed at developing digital trust and safety standards in the industry. The framework enables a more efficient identification and management of potential digital safety risks. The report notes the need for a continuous improvement culture in safety and trust standards in technology companies.
Human rights due diligence (HRDD) – GNI assessment
The HRDD is a legal requirement in the EU, meaning companies must identify, mitigate, and prevent potential negative impacts on human rights. Human rights risks are context-dependent and can be complex. The assessment methodology of GNI provides a good springboard for companies in addressing their specific human rights values, identifying potential risks, and taking adequate steps to avoid further violations.
Child safety-gaming, immersive worlds, and the metaverse
The report shows how gaming could potentially pose digital safety risks, especially to children. The case study highlights the need for safety-by-design practices to be put in place when creating platforms that could be accessed by children. Crucial risk management measures identified include identification of potential digital safety risks, implementation of appropriate standards for safety-risk management, and a continual review of these standards.
The report concludes with suggestions on how companies can use this report to improve their digital safety standards. The report implores businesses to:
- Conduct an internal risk assessment based on specific business contexts to identify potential risk factors.
- Adopt an ongoing approach to digital safety risk assessment using proven methodologies.
- Create a continuous evaluation culture for digital safety initiatives and assesses safety measures with a human rights-based approach.
- Collaborate with stakeholders, including civil society organisations, to create a more holistic approach to managing digital safety risks.
In conclusion, with digital safety risks being of great concern to organisations, this report could prove highly beneficial. It provides a good reference for businesses as we increasingly depend on technology to run our daily businesses. The report calls for a proactive approach to digital safety management and more attention to digital risk assessments. It highlights the need for businesses to make this area a priority by investing resources and time towards it.