Shareaction's insuring disaster benchmark series
The “Insuring Disaster” series by ShareAction evaluates the responsible investment and underwriting practices of the world’s largest insurers, focusing on their approaches to critical environmental and social issues. This benchmark series highlights the industry’s impact on climate, biodiversity, and human rights, offering actionable recommendations for improvement.
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The “Insuring Disaster” benchmark series, initiated in 2018 by ShareAction, assesses the responsible investment and underwriting practices of the world’s largest insurers. The series aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of how these insurers address critical environmental and social issues, including climate change, biodiversity, and human rights.
The methodology involves ranking insurers based on a set of key standards that measure their performance in these areas. The series serves as a tool for finance professionals to benchmark their organisations against industry standards and identify areas for improvement. It also assists in informing decision-making processes related to selecting insurers or shaping internal policies.
This benchmark is designed to help finance professionals understand the broader implications of insurance practices on sustainability and to encourage a shift towards more responsible and ethical investment and underwriting strategies.